Friday,  09/20/2024

The leader of the Provincial People’s Committee inspects the preparation for the high school graduation exam in Chi Lang and Huu Lung districts

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concludes the inspection in Huu Lung district

On the afternoon of June 21, the provincial delegation led by Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee  inspected the preparation for the  high school graduation exam of 2022 in Huu Lung and Chi Lang 2 districts.

At the inspection location, the district’s exam steering committees informed the delegation about the preparation for the exam. Accordinly, the high school graduation exam of 2022 in Huu Lung district has 3 exam sites which are Huu Lung High School, Center for Continuing Education 2 and Van Nham High School with nearly 1,500 candidates registering for the exam. Chi Lang district has 2 exam sites which are Chi Lang High School and Dong Banh High School, with more than 900 candidates registering for the exam.

Up to now, the preparation of exam rooms, human resources to serve the exam, plans of security and order, traffic safety, dinette and accommodation for examination officials, etc. have been completed by the exam steering committees of the districts and they are ready for a scheduled exam.

At the inspection, members of the delegation discussed and suggested that the districts should continue to implement a number of contents in the near future such as ensuring security at the exam sites; ensuring the electrical, medical conditions, food safety and hygiene; backup plans for natural disasters, storms and floods; support for the exam…

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivers a speech in the inspection in Chi Lang district

Concluding the examination, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged the proactive preparation of Huu Lung and Chi Lang districts to facilitate the high school graduation exam of 2022.

In order to ensure a safe, serious exam in accordance with regulations, he requested schools to continue to support students in revising for the exam. Exam steering committees of districts should strengthen propaganda about the exam; support the exam; ensure disease prevention and control; develop detailed plans to ensure the safety of exam questions and exam answer sheets; review the whole preparation, from the facilities to food safety and hygiene, electricity, water, health protection… for the exam.

The relevant functional sectors should uphold their responsibility, well perform their assigned tasks, well ensure traffic safety, security and order inside and outside the exam sites; coordinate in the implementation of plans when natural disasters, storms and floods occur…

During the program, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the delegation inspected a number of exam sites in Huu Lung and Chi Lang districts.