Friday,  09/20/2024

Laos National Art Troupe performs in Quang Nam

Artists from the Laos National Art Troupe performed in front of thousands audience in Hoi An Ancient Town, the south-central province of Quang Nam during a cultural show on July 20 evening as part of the ongoing Laos Culture Week held across Vietnam.
Laos National Art Troupe performs in Quang Nam hinh anh 1Artists from the Laos National Art Troupe perform in Quang Nam’s Hoi An Ancient Town on July 20 evening as part of the ongoing Laos Culture Week in Vietnam. (Photo: VNA)

The week celebrates the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries (September 5, 1962 – 2022) and the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation (July 18, 1977 – 2022).

In his opening remarks, Boualay Phanouvong, chief of office at the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, said the show brings together nearly 40 Lao artists, who are singers, dancers, musicians and circus performers, taking to the stage various performances highlighting traditional cultures and the special friendship between the two countries.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Van Tan said the show, featuring distinctive songs and dances, will help strengthen the special solidarity, friendship and partnership between Vietnam and Laos.

Parallel to Lao Culture Week in Vietnam, Vietnamese Culture Week in Laos takes place at the same time.

A photo exhibition on Vietnam–Laos friendship opened on July 17 in Vientiane as a part of Vietnamese Culture Week in Laos.

The exhibition displays images, documents, objects and books themed “Great Friendship, Special Unity and Comprehensive Cooperation” between the two nations./.
