Friday,  09/20/2024

Paying gratitude at the border

Immersed in the tradition of “When drink water, think of its source”, “Repay gratitude” of the nation, over the past time, the Provincial Party Committee and Command of the Border Guard has always turned to policy families and people with meritorious service with care and support by practical actions.

Practically celebrating the 75th anniversary of the day of war invalids and martyrs (July 27, 1947 – July 27, 2022), right from the beginning of May 2022, the Provincial Party Committee and Command of the Provincial Border Guard organized an emulation campaign. “When drink water, think of its source, gratitude to people with meritorious services to the revolution”.  Accordingly, the border guard posts have implemented specific tasks, such as organizing for the labor force to help policy families, people with meritorious services to the revolution, harvesting crops, repairing houses, doing civil works, repairing and cleaning the stele house commemorating the heroes and martyrs; visiting, giving gifts, examining and providing free medicines to policy beneficiaries in border areas.

Military Medical Institute of Military Traditional Medicine cooperates with the Provincial Border Guard Command to provide medical examination and health counseling for people in Dao Vien commune, Trang Dinh district.

Chi Lang Border Guard Station is responsible for managing and protecting more than 20 km of the national border, in charge of Binh Xa commune (Dinh Lap district) and Tam Gia commune (Loc Binh district). This is the first unit of the Provincial Border Guard to coordinate with related sectors to organize a program of free medical examination and distribution and giving gifts to show gratitude to people with meritorious services and policy families in the area, with a total value of activities is over 50 million VND.

Ms. Hoang Thi Luong (who is subject to the policy) in Binh Xa commune said: “I am very happy and excited that the doctors and nurses came here to check and give medicine for free, thereby, help me know my health status, detect diseases early, and timely receive prescriptions and medicines from doctors and nurses”.

At Huu Nghi International Border Gate Border Station, the unit is responsible for managing and protecting nearly 4 km of the national border line and is in charge of the area of Dong Dang town, Cao Loc district, in order to express gratitude to the 75th anniversary of war invalids and martyrs, this year, the unit cooperated with Cao Loc District Medical Center, Dong Dang Town People’s Committee to visit, give gifts, provide medical examination and free medicine for 17 cases of wounded and sick soldiers, people infected with toxic chemicals in Dong Dang town, with a total value of 9.6 million VND. Thereby, the unit contributed to the well-being and social work in the border area.

Colonel Trinh Huu Tang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Border Guards said: “Not only the above two units, from mid-July until now, border guard posts simultaneously organized activities to visit and give 170 gifts to policy families, people with meritorious services, and relatives of martyrs, with a total value of 80 million VND; organized medical examination and treatment, and distributed free medicines to 650 policy beneficiaries in border areas, with a total value of 185 million VND. In particular, the Provincial Border Guard has awarded 80 million VND to repair a house of gratitude; repairing and handing over the house to the policy family worth 120 million VND.

Military medical officer of Huu Nghi International Border Gate Border Guard Station instructed people to use medicines to treat sicknesses

Mr. Tang Van Than (a relative of a martyr) in Tu Mich commune, Loc Binh district was excited and said: “My family was supported by the Chi Ma Border Gate Border Guard Station, businesses and grassroots authorities with material, cash, and labor-day support to help to repair the house to be more solid and spacious.  My family thanks officials, soldiers, benefactors, local authorities and neighbors; upholding the family tradition, we have always been exemplary in following the Party’s guidelines and the State’s laws, actively coordinating with the Border Guard in managing and protecting borders and landmarks, and maintaining public order in the area.

It is known that in 3 years (2019 – 2021), the Provincial Border Guard has built and repaired 8 gratitude houses, with an amount of over 600 million VND; coordinate with health forces to organize medical examination and treatment for more than 12,000 people in border areas, provide free medicine worth over 500 million VND and many activities to visit and give gifts to policy families… Thereby, the unit contributed to the implementation of well-being and social work in the province.

With practical activities in the work of gratitude and gratitude, the Provincial Border Guard has been contributing together with all levels and sectors to pay attention to and support policy families, people with meritorious service and expressed gratitude for the sacrifices of the previous generations for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland, for the happiness of the People, for every home and every person today to live in peace and happiness.