Friday,  09/20/2024

Reviewing 20 years of implementing Decree No. 78 of the Government

On the morning of August 15, the Provincial People’s Committee held a conference to review 20 years of implementing Decree No. 78 dated October 4, 2002 of the Government on credit for the poor and other policy beneficiaries.

Attending the conference were Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly; Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Representative Board of Directors of the Provincial Bank for Social Policies (PBSP); leaders of Provincial People’s Council, Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; leaders of departments, commissions, sectors of the province. From the central side, there was Mr. Duong Quyet Thang, General Director of Vietnam Bank for Social Policy.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered the opening speech

Speaking at the opening, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee affirmed: “The implementation of Decree No. 78 of the Government in the province has achieved remarkable results, timely providing those in need financial support, offering capital to poor households and policy beneficiaries, create jobs, and improve their lives to get out of poverty.”

The conference is an opportunity to summarize and evaluate the achieved results and limitations in the implementation of the Government’s preferential credit programs, thus, draw lessons for the implementation in the next year.

According to the report, after 20 years of implementing the credit program, up to now, the total outstanding policy credit in Lang Son province has reached 3,584.6 billion VND, up 19.1 times compared to 2003, the average annual credit growth has reached 17%/year, with over 65,989 households with outstanding loans. Loan turnover in 20 years has reached 11,352.2 billion VND with more than 470 thousand households borrowing capital.

Over the past 20 years, loans have helped nearly 45,000 households cross the poverty line, contributing to reducing the average annual poverty rate of the province by over 3%, create jobs for more than 28 thousand workers; 31 thousand pupils and students get loans to study; over 128 thousand rural clean water and sanitation projects were built, 7.9 thousand houses were repaired, renovated and built; 44 enterprises and educational institutions were supported with loans to pay for job cessation and production recovery for 1.8 thousand labors; supporting 7 non-public preschools and primary schools were supported to borrow funds to repair  purchase medical equipment and supplies to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic…

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly addressed the conference

Speaking at the conference, the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee emphasized: “The Party committees, governments at all levels, Fatherland Front committees and socio-political organizations at all levels should continue to well implement Directive No. 40-CT/TW dated November 22, 2014 and Conclusion No. 06-KL/TW, dated June 10, 2021 of the Secretariat on strengthening the Party’s leadership in social policy credit.

Every year, the People’s Councils, People’s Committees of the province, districts and city were asked to allocate a part of the local budget to supplement loans for the implementation of social policy credit programs and projects in the locality. Representatives Board of Directors, provincial branch of PBSP and entrusted organizations at all levels should strengthen the inspection and supervision of social policy credit activities to ensure that preferential credit sources reach the right beneficiaries, be safe and effective, avoid policy profiteering.

Mass media agencies in the province should actively introduce about social policy credits, good production and business models helping one another to escape poverty and gain income, creating a strong spread in the society; The PBSP constantly trains, builds a team of dedicated, enthusiastic and responsible staff…”

The Director of the Provincial VBSP presents the Certificate of Merit from the General Director of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies to individuals with outstanding achievements in the implementation of Decree 78


Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee awards the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to units with excellent achievements in implementing Decree 78

On this occasion, 9 units and 14 individuals were awarded certificates of merit by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; 4 individuals were awarded certificates of merit from the General Director of VBSP for their outstanding achievements in 20 years of implementing credit policies for poor households and other policy beneficiaries according to Decree 78.