Friday,  09/20/2024

Young people promote the role of protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party

Promoting the pioneering role of the young generation, in recent years, the youth unions at all levels in the province have had many practical ways to mobilize forces to fight against false and hostile claims, contributing to protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party.

Currently, there are over 47,000 members of the youth unions and 505 grassroots youth unions. Ms. Dinh Thi Anh Thu, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, Head of the Steering Committee for protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party and fighting against wrong and hostile claims of the Provincial Youth Union, said: “To perform well the work of protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union has issued guiding documents in the union system; directed the unions at all levels to diversify forms of political theory education, popularization of Communist Party’s directives and resolutions, State’s laws to union members and young people, strengthened the spread of positive information in cyberspace. At the same time, we also regularly grasp the ideological status and orientation of public opinion among union members and young people.”

The officials of Provincial Youth Union share and post positive information on social networks

Accordingly, first of all, the unions at all levels strengthened political education, popularization of Communist Party’s directives and resolutions, State’s laws to union members and young people. Propaganda was carried out in many forms such as organizing conferences, integrating in activities of youth union branch, teams, groups, clubs… From the beginning of 2022 up to now, youth unions at all levels have organized more than 400 propaganda campaigns for more than 19,000 young participants. Typically, in May 2022, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union held a 3-level (province, district, commune) online conference on studying and following Uncle Ho with the theme “The responsibility to set an example of youth in studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style in terms of self-reliance, aspiration to contribute, upholding revolutionary morality and being capable of meeting the requirements of tasks in the new situation”. The conference was attended by more than 1,400 union members and young people, in addition, the conference was broadcast live on the fanpage “Youth of Xu Lang” attracting over 5,000 views, over 300 shares.

Ms. Nong Thi Diep, a youth union member of quarter 2, Hoang Van Thu ward, Lang Son city said: “By participating in propaganda campaigns of youth unions at all levels, I have improved my knowledge in many aspects, especially in political theory. We identify the right goals of the young generation, living responsibly with ourselves, our families and our community. When using in social networks, we avoid sharing or commenting on posts at are untrue or contain content that is against the Communist Party and State. At the same time, we actively participate in activities and movements of youth unions at all levels.”

Particularly in protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party, the Provincial Youth Union has directed and promoted the participation of young theory clubs, which are the core and pioneering force in the implementation of the fight against false and hostile views. Currently, there are 19 youth theory clubs with more than 600 members in the province.

Ms. Hoang Diep Hang, Secretary of the Youth Union of Provincial Radio-Television Station, Vice President of the Provincial Youth Theoretical Club, said: “Currently, the club has 20 members, we maintain quarterly activities. All of our members have strong political ideology and propaganda skills. With the task of researching and studying Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought, current matters that directly affect young people, within the prescribed daily time frame, club members actively refute malicious and untrue information. At the same time, we have opened the Facebook fan page “Green space” to serve the propaganda about protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party, and share positive information.”

Along with that, youth unions at all levels regularly maintain the spread of positive information, example of good people and good deeds on social networks. Currently, the province has more than 500 fanpages and facebook accounts of youth unions at all levels. These pages and accounts regularly update the activities of the youth union, share and post positive and official information to help young people know about movements and activities.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Khanh, Secretary of Cao Loc District Youth Union said: “Understanding that young people regularly use social networks, we have increased sharing of positive information on them. The district youth union has created the fanpage “Cao Loc Youth – One good news every day, one beautiful story every week”, from the beginning of 2022 until now, the page has posted and shared over 600 news and articles. Every year, in the professional training courses on youth union work for grassroots youth union officials, we also include a topic on how to use social networks and the law on cybersecurity in the training program to help raise the awareness of youth union members and young people, actively contributing to the fight against malicious information and counter-arguments of hostile forces.

It can be said that by practical actions, the youth unions at all levels have done a good job of grasping the ideas, orienting the public opinion of the young people, promoting the pioneering role, gathering officials, youth union members and young people to participate in the fight against malicious and hostile views, contributing to the protection of the Communist Party’s ideological foundation in the province.