Friday,  09/20/2024

Talks to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of Bac Son uprising

On September 27, the District Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Bac Son district held a talks to celebrate the 86th anniversary of the establishment of the first party cell of Bac Son Party Committee (September 25, 1936 – September 25, 2022) and 82 years of Bac Son uprising (September 27, 1940-September 27, 2022).

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thieu, Chairman of Bac Son District People’s Committee delivered a speech at the talks to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of Bac Son uprising.

 Attending the talks were leaders of provincial departments and sectors, leaders of District Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Bac Son district; sister units with Bac Son district; districts, city and a large number of people of all ethnic groups in the province.

At the discussion, the leaders of Bac Son district and the delegates reviewed the process of formation and development of the revolutionary movement in Bac Son district from the establishment of the first Party cell to the Bac Son uprising in 1940 under the leadership and direction of the Party.

Since then, the district has written up the glorious history pages and great contributions of the Party Committee, government and people of Bac Son district in the struggle for independence and national liberation under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh.

On September 25, 1936, the first Party cell of the Party Committee of Bac Son district was established in Mo Tat village, Vu Lang commune. By 1938, Party cells were established in most communes of Bac Son province, including Vu Lang, Huu Vinh, Hung Vu, Vinh Yen, Vu Dich, Bac Son, Chieu Vu, Ngu Vien, and Vu Le.

Party cells were really a solid grassroots political organization, the nucleus of leadership, organization of propaganda and education, gathering a large number of people to participate in the revolutionary struggle.

On that basis, on May 25, 1938, under the leadership of the Northern Party Committee, the conference to establish the Bac Son Provincial Party Committee was held at Na Keo hill, Vu Lang commune (now is Tan Huong commune), continue to lead, develop the organization, expand the movement and strengthen the leadership role of the Party.

Mr. Nguyen Boi Giong, Secretary of General Vo Nguyen Giap spoke at the talks to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of the Bac Son uprising

On September 22, 1940, the Japanese fascists crossed the border from China to attack the French in Lang Son, the French army lost the battle and fled to Thai Nguyen via Bac Son road. Facing that situation, the French colonial government and its henchmen in Bac Son were extremely confused, wavering and in danger of disintegrating. Bac Son Party Committee recognized that the time for uprising had come and advocated leading the armed masses to insurrection. On the morning of September 27, 1940, the Communist Party Committee of Bac Son Province convened a conference at Nong Luc communal house, Hung Vu commune (belonging to Bac Son province), discussed and decided to launch a mass uprising to seize power.

From the victory of the Bac Son uprising, the Bac Son Guerrilla Team was established and was one of the first revolutionary armed forces of our Party. The birth of the Bac Son guerrilla team and the establishment of the Bac Son – Vo Nhai base camp have really become the core for the development, spread and promotion of the revolutionary movement of the whole country.

In order to uphold the tradition of the revolutionary homeland, implement the Party’s renovation policy in socio-economic development, and strengthen national defense and security. The Party Committee, Government and People of Bac Son ethnic groups have united and united to build the Bac Son homeland to develop more and more, the people’s life is more and more prosperous and happy. In particular, implementing the new-style rural program, the district has done a good job of mobilizing people’s power to create resources to build essential infrastructure, build effective production models. Up to now, the whole district has 8/17 communes meeting new-style rural standards, 2 communes achieving new-style rural communes, the face of Bac Son countryside is increasingly spacious, clean and beautiful.

From the efforts of the Party Committee, the government and the people’s unanimous hand in implementing the national liberation movement and building economic development in the renovation period. The Party and State have awarded many noble awards to the Party Committee, administration and people of ethnic groups in Bac Son district such as: First-class Labor Medal, Second-class Independence Medal…

On the occasion of the 82nd anniversary of the Bac Son uprising and response to the campaign of Bac Son district to join hands to remove dilapidated houses for poor households with housing difficulties, units and businesses inside and outside the district have donated 300 million VND to implement the program in the period of 2022 – 2025 in the district.
