Friday,  09/20/2024

The 12th meeting of the Provincial People’s Council: Voting to pass 12 resolutions

On the morning of September 27, the 17th Provincial People’s Council, term 2021-2026, held its 12th session (thematic session) to deal with urgent and important local socio-economic affairs between two regular meetings. Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council and Mr.Dinh Huu Hoc, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council co-chaired the meeting.

Attending the meeting were Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of the National Assembly; Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; the leaders of the People’s Committee, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province, the departments, sectors and the delegates of the 17th Provincial People’s Council.

Overview of the 12th meeting of the Provincial People’s Council

During the program, the Provincial People’s Council delegates listened to the reports of the Provincial People’s Committee; Verification reports of the Provincial People’s Councils related to the submitted contents, focusing on the following contents: adjusting the medium-term public investment plan for the period of 2021 – 2025; stipulating supporting content, application form, order and procedures for selecting projects, production plans, plans, and ordering units in performing production development support activities under the national target programs for the period of 2021 – 2025 in the province; the addition of the list of projects using land for rice cultivation, protection forest land, and special-use forest land for other purposes to organize the implementation of projects in the whole province…

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee explained and clarified the opinions of interested delegates mentioned at the meeting.

With a spirit of focus and high responsibility, the provincial People’s Council delegates discussed and unanimously voted to pass 12 resolutions, including 11 resolutions on socio-economic development, 1 Resolution on the dismissal of Member of the 17th People’s Committee of Lang Son province, term 2021 – 2026, for Mr. Nguyen Khac Lich, former Director of the Department of Information and Communications of Lang Son province due to his transfer to the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council delivered the closing speech

 Closing the meeting, Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council suggested that the Provincial People’s Committee urgently issue guiding documents for a number of resolutions that need to be further concretized such as Resolution on Regulations on supporting content, application form, order and procedures for selecting projects, production plans, plans, and ordering units in performing production development support activities under the national target programs for the period of 2021 – 2025 in the province, it is necessary to promulgate forms of dossiers and related documents for the People’s Committees of all levels, departments and sectors to agree in organizing the implementation.

Commissions of the Provincial People’s Council urgently complete monitoring and survey activities according to the set programs and plans; actively survey, research and collect information to prepare for verification of the contents submitted at the last meeting of 2022; step up the urging, monitoring and supervision that the Provincial People’s Committee and specialized agencies of the Provincial People’s Committee organize the implementation of the recommendations after monitoring and the opinions and recommendations of the voters. Groups of delegates of the Provincial People’s Council shall coordinate with the Office of the National Assembly Delegation and the Provincial People’s Council to organize meetings with voters before the year-end meeting to ensure that they are in accordance with the law, listen to, absorb and respond to legitimate requests and recommendations of voters; consider and urge the settlement of complaints and denunciations of citizens.

The Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council requested all levels, sectors, unions, officers and soldiers of the armed forces and people of all ethnic groups in the province continue to uphold the spirit of patriotic emulation and solidarity, strive, take advantage of favorable opportunities, overcome difficulties, strive to emulate production labor, practice thrift, strive to achieve and exceed the goals and plans in 2022, contributing to the successful implementation of the five-year socio-economic development plan 2021-2025.