Friday,  09/20/2024

The rate of settled petitions, complaints, appeals in Loc Binh reaches 91% and higher

That is the information reported by the People’s Committee of Loc Binh District to the supervision delegation of the Legal Committee of the Provincial People’s Council led by Mrs. Doan Thi Loan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Inspection Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Legal Committee of the Provincial People’s Council supervised at the District People’s Committee on the morning of September 28, this rate iss high compared to other districts and city in the province.

The Chairman of the People’s Committee of Loc Binh district reported and clarified some of the contents mentioned by the members of the supervision delegation

According to the report of Loc Binh District People’s Committee, from 2020 to now, the situation of appeals, denunciations, petitions and complaints in the district is relatively complicated, particularly, there are 615 cases of district-level complaints (59% of them about key projects); there are also many cases of citizens gathering to complain about the implementation of some projects including the construction of Ban Lai reservoir; Mau Son eco-tourism area and cable car complex; National Highway 4B Improvement and Upgrade Project at section Km3+700 to Km18; the construction of resettlement area and rural residential area in Huu Khanh commune; Loc Binh bridge No. 1 and some other projects. Most of them disagree with the policy of land acquisition and the decisions approving the compensation plan, they also make unfounded requests on policies and welfares for consideration. In addition, there are a number of long-standing cases in the area that have not been completely resolved.

In the period of 2020 – 2022, the district has resolved 59/61 appeals, reaching 96.7%; 4/4 denunciations, reaching 100%; 1,349/1.474 petitions and complaints, reaching 91.5%. Regarding regular and irregular citizen reception by the leader, the Chairman of the District People’s Committee, received citizens in 40 regular sessions and 2 irregular sessions; he authorized the Vice Chairman of the District People’s Committee to receive citizens in 22 sessions.

At the supervision, the members of delegation questioned and then received explanation from the leaders of the District People’s Committee, specialized departments and divisions about the confusion in the initial complaint classification; the large number of petitioners in the area; the misunderstanding and and insufficient knowledge of citizens about the guidelines and policies of the Party and State, sending complaints to many places and agencies, requesting the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Chairman of the People’s Committee province to receive them many times, sending complaints to central agencies; the arrangement of citizen reception location, the quality of citizen reception at the commune level; a number of complaints and denunciations have not yet been solved in the prescribed time; the low quality of settlement in some cases; propaganda, dissemination and education of the law to the people in the area…

Mrs. Doan Thi Loan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Inspection Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Legal Committee of the Provincial People’s Council, Head of the delegation concluded the supervision

Concluding the supervision, the Head of the supervision delegation acknowledged the good maintenance of citizen reception and the high rate of settlement of complaints, petitions and denunciations. However, in the area where many projects are being implemented, the situation is still complicated, therefore, she suggested that the Party committee, government, and mass organizations strengthen propaganda, follow the arising situation at the grassroots to promptly solve and handle. Moreover, it would be necessary to continue to improve the quality of citizen reception of all levels and sectors in the locality; to strengthen the exchange of professional knowledge with superior agencies related to the settlement of cases; to pay attention to improve the quality of officers engaged in citizen reception; to provide sufficient welfare to officers in charge of citizen reception at all levels in the locality.

She asked the district to strengthen the management of land to avoid petitions and complaints when implementing the project in the future. At the same time, it should pay attention to inspection, examination, and professional training; the coordination between specialized departments and boards in advising district leaders in receiving citizens in the area; the implementation of the notices, conclusions of the province, the cases sent from the province and report on the progress of settlement in a timely manner.