Friday,  09/20/2024

Diversify and creative ways to bring the Border Law to life

The Law on Vietnam’s Border Guard, consisting of 6 chapters and 36 articles, was approved by the National Assembly on November 11, 2020, and takes effect from January 1, 2022. To bring the law to life, relevant levels, sectors and agencies have deployed diverse and creative forms of propaganda.

Ba Son Border Guard Station, Cao Loc district is responsible for managing and protecting over 40km of the national border and is in charge of three communes: Cao Lau, Xuat Le and Mau Son (Cao Loc district). Since the Border Guard Law took effect, the station has deployed many forms of propaganda about the law to officials and the people. In which, the station has coordinated with the authorities, mass organizations and communes to organize concentrated conferences, integrate it into the activities of the village cell, and propagate it to each household. From the beginning of 2022 until now, the station has propagated the law 48 times, with more than 3,000 listeners, and made small propaganda for more than 270 people; Distributing 2,000 leaflets, conducting mobile propaganda 33 times, including propaganda on the Law on Border Guard.

Delegates attended the propaganda of the Law on Border Guard in Cao Loc district

Mr. Ha Loc Danh, Po Ma village, Xuat Le commune, Cao Loc district said: He was able to attend propaganda conferences gathered in communes and villages and border guards came to his house to propagate and distribute leaflets, so that we can have a better understanding of the provisions of the law. Since then, me and the households have signed a commitment to implement the law in general and the Law on Border Guard in particular, and at the same time, actively participate in coordination with the Border Guard to protect the border.

Not only at Ba Son Border Guard Station, 11 out of 11 Border Guard Stations all promote the propaganda of the Border Law. From the beginning of 2022 up to now, the border guard stations in the province have organized legal propaganda more than 300 times, with more than 12,000 listeners; small propaganda for more than 13,000 turns of people.

Along with that, the border guard posts also distributed over 13,000 leaflets and 500 law books, in which the propaganda of the Border Law was integrated.

Colonel Luong Manh Vong, Political Director of the Provincial Border Guard Command, said: From the beginning of 2022 up to now, we have focused on propaganda on the Border Law, such as June 2022, The Provincial Border Guard Command has organized intensive training on the Law of Border for the legal reporting teams at the provincial, district and border guard posts in the province. Since then, legal reporting teams  widely disseminated to the People, with many forms such as organizing conferences, mobile propaganda, distributing leaflets, signing implementation commitments… At the same time, we promote the role of 21 information and communication teams in border communes and towns, who are reputable to coordinate in bringing the Law on Border Guard to life. Especially, at the beginning of the new school year 2022, we have created a form of propaganda by giving away nearly 10,500 notebooks with some articles of the Border Law printed on to good students who are children of officers, soldiers, and adopted children of a border guard station,  the object of the program “Helping children to school”. Thereby, creating a spillover effect in the propaganda of the Border Law.

Implementation of Decision No. 3863/QD-BQP dated November 5, 2021 of the Minister of National Defense approving the Project “Organizing intensive training; propagating and disseminating Vietnam’s Law on Border Protection and detailed regulations for the 2021-2025 period, The Provincial People’s Committee has issued Plan No. 44/KH – People’s Committee, on March 1, 2022 on the implementation of the project. Accordingly, the Provincial Border Guard Command is the unit in charge and coordination with relevant departments, sectors, agencies and units to advise and propose the Provincial People’s Committee to direct the implementation of the contents of the project.

Mr. Duong Cong Luyen, Head of Legal Education Division, Department of Justice said: The Vietnam Border Guard Law is an important legal document, fully institutionalizing the Party’s new views and thinking on national defense, security, management and protection of national borders. The Law stipulates the rules of conduct of all organizations and individuals when participating in activities of managing and protecting national borders, maintaining security, order and social safety in border areas. In order to implement the law, in 2022, the Department of Justice has coordinated with the Provincial Border Guard Command to organize 5 conferences to propagate the law and guiding documents on law enforcement in 5 border districts, with more than 1,000 representatives who are member of the information and communication team of the border guard stations; leaders, judicial officers – civil status at commune level and secretaries of cells, heads of villages and quarters, officials and members of sectors and mass organizations in villages and quarters. This is the core force that continues to propagate the Law on Border Guard among the people.

By many practical and creative ways, together with the active participation of agencies and units, the propaganda of the Law on Border Guard has achieved certain results. Thereby contributing to raising awareness for cadres, party members and people, strengthening coordination with border guards to protect and maintain national border security and sovereignty.