Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial People’s Committee holds a regular meeting in November 2022 (the 3rd session)

On November 29, Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the regular meeting of the Provincial People’s Committee (the 3rd session).

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concludes the regular meeting in November of the Provincial People’s Committee

Within this meeting, the Provincial People’s Committee considered and commented on 10 contents submitted by 6 departments and sectors.

At the meeting, the delegates focused on discussing and giving opinions on drafts such as the draft Proposal of the Provincial People’s Committee and the Resolution of the Provincial People’s Council on the adjustment of some contents of the Resolution No. 68 dated December 10, 2020. 2019 of the Provincial People’s Council on approving the Scheme on reviewing and adjusting the boundaries of three forest types in Lang Son province to 2030; the draft Decision of the Provincial People’s Committee on the mechanism for partial rotation of capital to support the development of community production under the national target programs in the province; draft Decision of the Provincial People’s Committee stipulating the management, payment and settlement of investment capital from the state budget assigned to the community to carry out the construction of works by themselves according to the support levels under the national target programs in the province…

After listening to the discussion of the delegates, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee has come to the conclusion for each content.

For the draft Proposal of the Provincial People’s Committee and the Resolution of the Provincial People’s Council on the adjustment of some contents of the Resolution No. 68 dated December 10, 2020. 2019 of the Provincial People’s Council on approving the Scheme on reviewing and adjusting the boundaries of three forest types in Lang Son province to 2030, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and related units to carefully review, check and compare data on forest area to; he asked districts, Lang Son city, investors to review projects using forest land but they had to change the forest land purpose to another purpose and to report to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and submission to the Provincial People’s Council for approval of the policy on changing the forest land use purpose.

Regarding the mechanism of partial rotation of capital to support the development of community production under national target programs, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the Department of Finance to fully absorb the opinions of other departments , sectors and he agreed with the rate of return of capital revolving in cash as proposed by the Department of Finance; he also asked the drafting agency to supplement the organization, inspection and supervision process of the community supervision board; the project approval agency had the role of determining the damage level from 30-70% during the project implementation to reduce the corresponding recovery rate.

Regarding the draft regulation on the management, payment and settlement of investment capital from the budget allocated to the residential community for implementation, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee agreed with the draft and requested the drafting agency to receive comments and to quickly complete the document and submit it to the Provincial People’s Committee for signing and promulgation.

In the program, the Provincial People’s Committee and delegates focused on discussing and agreeing to approve other important contents presented at the meeting, including the draft Decision on promulgating the price list for calculating natural resources tax in 2023 for groups and types of resources with similar physical and chemical properties; the draft decision amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Regulation on residential land allocation quotas; conditions for separation of land parcels, conditions for merging of land plots and minimum area for division of parcels  regarding each type of land in Lang Son province; draft Decision of the Provincial People’s Committee regulating the collection, transportation and treatment of medical solid waste in Lang Son province…