Friday,  09/20/2024

Party Committee of Provincial Agencies Bloc: Practical meanings from the models of “Skillful mass mobilization”

Over the past time, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc has actively directed the lower party committees to implement the models and works of “Skillful mass mobilization” (SMM) associated with learning and emulating President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, virtue and manner. Through this, many models were built, creating spillover effect in society.

From the beginning of the year, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc has issued documents, plans, guidelines, etc. to direct party organizations at grassroots level to register for SMM models and works. Accordingly, agencies and units will base on their actual situation to choose suitable models and works with the criteria of being able to spread, creating a lot of value and being meaningful to the society.

The Party Cell of Provincial Party Committee’s Inspection Committee and delegates visited a classroom equipped with a computer system in the “Educational security” model at the Ethnic Minority Semi-Boarding Secondary School in Mau Son Commune, Loc Binh District

Following the instruction and orientation of superiors, Party committees and cells have seriously implemented models and works by making plans and cooperating.

In 2022, the Party Cell of Provincial Party Committee’s Inspection Committee has implemented the SMM model named “Educational Security”. Specifically, the unit has supported 20 computer systems for the Ethnic Minority Semi-Boarding Primary School and Secondary School in Mau Son Commune, Loc Binh District with a total budget of about 120 million VND.

Mr. Tran Thanh Hai, Secretary of the Party Cell, Standing Deputy Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Inspection Committee said: “Previously, we found that the facilities used for teaching and learning activities of some schools in Mau Son commune, Loc Binh district are still insufficient, especially the computer system. Therefore, the Party cell has focused on mobilizing resources and encouraging organizations and individuals to support equipment for the two schools. Equipping computer systems will help students in remote areas better access technology.”

Additionally, grassroots party organizations have actively surveyed the situation, coordinated with grassroots Party committees to build a suitable SMM model, ensuring high efficiency. At the Party Cell of the Department of Industry and Trade, with the motto of implementing SMM model towards grassroots level, after survey and selection, the Cell decided to support the construction of a volleyball court for Ban Pen village, Trung Khanh commune, Van Lang district. The court has an area of ​​​​over 180 m2 with a total cost of about 20 million VND from the contribution of officials, party members, people of the department and by businesses.

Mr. Mong Van Ky, Secretary of Party cell and Chairman of Ban Pen village, Trung Khanh commune said: “Previously, people in the village did not have a large area to exercise and play sports. Since receiving a volleyball court, people have had a place to exercise, children have a large and safe space to play. This is a very meaningful project because people in the village have been waiting for it for a long time.”

From the beginning of 2022 up to now, the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc has completed 84 SMM projects and models associated with learning and emulating President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, virtue and manner with a total value of over 6.8 billion VND. Models are built on all fields: politics, economy, culture – society. During the implementation process, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc has always been closely involved in leadership and direction; at the same time, member Party cell and committees have also actively coordinated in implementation. Last November, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc awarded certificates of merit to 14 units with outstanding achievements in directing, building SMM models and projects in 2022.

The delegates performed the inauguration ceremony and handover of the SMM project “House of Solidarity” chaired and coordinated by the Party Committee of the Department of Home Affairs in August 2022

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kieu Huong, Head of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc said: “Through monitoring and evaluation, the units have seriously built and implemented SMM models and works associated with studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, virtue and manner by specific plans, roadmaps and directions for implementation. As a result, the built models and works are all practical ones, most of them are oriented towards the grassroots level, serving the purposes and urgent requirements of the people. This also shows the cohesion and responsibilities of the smaller Party cells and committees in joining hands and contributing to the achievement of socio-economic development goals, ensuring national defense and security of the locality.”

In the coming time, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc will ask the smaller Party cells and committees to complete unfinished SMM models and works, and to coordinate with local authorities to monitor and promote the effectiveness of the SMM models performed.