Friday,  09/20/2024

The Veterans Association is the reliable support of all levels of Party committees, authorities and people

On December 6, 1989, the 6th term of Politburo decided to establish the Vietnam Veterans Association (VVA), since then, December 6 every year is considered the traditional day of the association. The birth of the VVA is an important milestone in the political and spiritual life of the veterans, in line with their legitimate wish.

The victory of the resistance war against the US is a victory of passionate patriotism, aspiration for peace, independence, freedom and reunification of our compatriots, and of Vietnamese military art and guidelines with the reasonable, ingenious and creative leadership of our Party, it is the synergy of the great national unity bloc, the absolute loyalty and the combative spirit for victory of the people’s armed forces.

Under the authorization of the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, the leader of the Provincial VVA awards certificates of merit to the units with outstanding achievements in implementing patriotic emulation movements and the association’s tasks in the 2017-2022 term

As soon as it was established, the VVA defined its purpose as “unifying veterans, preserving and promoting the tradition of Uncle Ho’s soldiers; participating in the defense of the revolutionary achievements, the Communist Party of Vietnam; building and protecting the legitimate interests of members, supporting each other in spiritual and material life, strengthening friendships among soldiers Since its establishment until now, under the leadership of the Party, with the motto “Old but not old, old but new”, VVA has grown up quickly, operated in accordance with its principles, purposes and efficiency, deserved to be a socio-political organization, a reliable support for Party committees, authorities and people at all levels. The veteran force have upheld the characteristics and tradition of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers”, together with the entire Party, people and army to successfully carry out two revolutionary tasks of building and defending the Fatherland.

The VVA of Lang Son province currently has more than 35,800 members. Association branches at all levels have closely followed the political tasks of the province and the association, proactively overcome difficulties and successfully completed the goals and tasks. The association actively has participated in learning and implementing resolutions of Party congresses at all levels; coordinated with sectors and levels to well implement the democracy regulation at grassroots level; participated in the reconciliation of hundreds of conflicts among the People. In the past 5 years, VVA at all levels have supported the COVID-19 prevention and control fund with nearly 1 billion VND, more than 5 tons of rice, donated nearly 70,000 m2 of land to build local public works; removed dozens of dilapidated  houses for VVA members; coordinated with the Fatherland Front Committee and functional agencies to carry out dozens of supervision and criticism sessions; effectively implemented the movement “Veterans help each other to reduce poverty, gain considerable income”…

The VVA at all levels in the province have actively participated in building resolutions of the Party committees, and the government’s socio-economic, cultural, defense and security development programs. The Association has encouraged its members to resolutely fight against the plots and tricks of “peaceful evolution” of hostile forces to protect the ideological foundation of the Party; fighted against corruption, negativity, crime and social evils. Associations at all levels have developed regulations on supervision, social criticism, suggestions on building the Party, government and mass organizations; actively participated in the implementation of democracy regulation at grassroots level, contributing to building the great national unity bloc; coordinated, advised and directly participated in the fight against complicated religious and ethnic matters caused by hostile forces and extremists. Associations at all levels have coordinated with branches to well organize the training and provide millions of veterans with agricultural and forestry extension techniques, encourages them to change occupations, eliminate poor gardens, replace new varieties, plant fruit trees, plant forests and raise animals with high economic value.

Veterans of Van Lang district exchange information about the association’s work. Photo: Duong Kim

To meet the revolutionary requirements and tasks in the new era, generations of Vietnamese veterans continue to promote the quality and tradition of Uncle Ho’s soldiers “Loyalty – Solidarity – Exemplary – Innovation”, many veterans have set an example to represent solid political bravery, pure quality, to be modest, simple, honest, friendly and to win people’s hearts; they always uphold and promote the fine traditions of the Vietnam People’s Soldiers and Uncle Ho’s Soldiers.

After 33 years of developing, all levels of associations have always attached great importance to political, ideological, moral and revolutionary education for officials and members, therefore, VVA members have quick access to current affairs, ideological orientation before major events and complicated changes, demonstrated absolute loyalty to the revolutionary cause, belief in the renovation and the Party’s leadership. Promoting the achievements, each VVA official and member will forever uphold the quality and tradition of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers”, be exemplary in performing the tasks of the Party, the government, and the organization, protect the image of a veteran, an “Uncle Ho’s soldier” in people’s heart, be the firm support of all levels of Party committees, authorities and people.