Friday,  09/20/2024

Seriously, transparency in the year-end review

Reviewing and evaluating the quality of party organizations and members at the end of the year is an opportunity for collectives, leaders of agencies, units and individuals to self-examine and correct themselves.  From there, propose policies and solutions to promote advantages, overcome limitations and shortcomings in leadership, management, administration and task performance, contributing to improving the leadership capacity and strength of the party.

Over the years, the evaluation and classification of party organizations and members in the whole province have always followed the guidelines of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee. On the basis of documents and instructions of the central government, the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee issued Instructions No. 10-HD/TU dated November 28, 2019 on the annual quality review, evaluation and classification of party organizations, party members, collectives and individuals, leaders and managers at all levels. Accordingly, party organizations have concretized guidelines in documents, plans to apply and implement. Contents of review of political ideology; quality, ethical lifestyle; performance of duties and responsibilities; the sense of organization and discipline are focused on implementation. In particular, in assessing the quality of Party members, the conference seriously reviewed and criticized in the spirit of the 4th Central Resolution (terms XI and XII) and the study and following the ideology, morality, and lifestyle of Ho Chi Minh…

Secretary of the Party Committee of Dong Mo town, Chi Lang district (standing) implemented the plan to review, evaluate and classify party organizations and members in 2022

In Van Lang district, every year, the Standing Board of the District Party Committee promulgates documents and plans to direct party organizations and party members to conduct year-end assessment and classification. In particular, it is clearly stated that the assessment must be seriously, frankly and substantive… linking the evaluation and quality rating of individuals with the collective and with the results of performing political tasks of localities, agencies, unit…

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Hai, Head of the Organizing Commission of the District Party Committee said: In addition to the collective self-criticism and evaluation in the spirit of seriousness and frankness, the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee directed the members of the Standing Committee to strengthen their grasp of the area, the unit in charge, and closely monitor the working process of the Party Committee and its members to ascertain the results of the task performance of the subject being evaluated. For example, in 2021, through monitoring and grasping, the Standing Board of the District Party Committee directed to re-evaluate 3 cases belonging to the Party Committee of Tan Thanh, Trung Khanh and Gia Mien communes. The re-evaluation results are all one level lower than the initial one.

In addition, Party committees, party organizations, leadership collectives, heads of superior agencies and units also strictly implement suggestions for review of collectives and individuals under their management. Based on objective assessments of the process of performing tasks, Party committees at all levels have made suggestions to review the results of the implementation of political tasks, places showing signs of disunity, violations of Party principles and regulations, policies and laws of the State, manifestations of group interests, corruption, negativity, pressing public opinion, signs of recession , “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” there are complicated problems, pressing public opinion, cadres, party members and the people are interested… For example, in 2021, the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee has selected 20 units for review; Party committees at all levels also depended on the actual situation to select units to suggest review…

Party cell of Dai Thang block, Party committee of Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city spoke at the meeting to review, evaluate, and classify party organizations and party members in 2022

Thanks to timely guidance, urging, inspection and supervision of the implementation of the review, assessment and classification of party organizations and members of the Party committees at all levels, the evaluation of the quality of collectives and individuals has been strictly carried out, the rating rates in the units are basically in accordance with regulations. The results of evaluation and classification of party organizations and party members who have successfully completed tasks or more in 2020 and 2021 reached 94%. Specifically, in 2021, the entire Provincial Party Committee has 96.82% of grassroots party organizations that have successfully completed their tasks or more; 95.2% of party members successfully completed their tasks or more; The Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee has classified 3/15 party organizations to excellently complete their tasks, 12/15 party organizations to successfully complete their tasks.

In order for the review, assessment and classification of the quality of grassroots party organizations and cadres and party members to continue to ensure quality, efficiency, and substance, on November 21, 2022, The Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee promulgated Plan No. 84-KH/TU on reviewing, evaluating and ranking the quality of party organizations, party members and collectives of leading and managerial cadres in 2022. A new point in the review and assessment of 2022 is for specialized agencies under the Provincial People’s Committee, the District People’s Committee, the District People’s Committee and associations assigned to the provincial and district payrolls will not evaluate and rank the collective leadership, only conduct reviews. Because these units will be evaluated and graded by the People’s Committee of the same level. This will avoid duplication and shorten the evaluation process.

Concretizing the plan of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee, currently 100% of the district, city and provincial Party committees and party committees under the Provincial Party Committee have developed a plan to review, evaluate, and classify party organizations, party members, collectives and individuals in 2022. For example, the Bloc Party Committee of provincial agencies, on November 26, 2022, the Bloc Party Committee issued Instruction No. 17-HD/ĐUK on reviewing, evaluating, and ranking the quality of party organizations, party members and collectives and individuals of leading and managerial cadres in 2022. In which, the Party committees and Party committees of the affiliated grassroots are required to complete the review before December 20, 2022; grassroots branches and party committees complete the assessment and classification of the quality of party organizations and members and report to the Standing Board of the Bloc Party Committee before December 30, 2022.

Party cell members of Tran Quang Khai 2 block, Party committee of Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city watched the results of the Party’s 2022 review, assessment and classification of party organizations and members

Mrs. Dinh Thi Hong Giang, Secretary of  the 2nd Party cell, Party Committee of the Provincial Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development said, The 2nd Party cell has 19 members, before the year-end assessment and rating, the cell directed 4 party groups to conduct year-end reviews and ratings. At present, the party organizations have completed this work, thereby helping Party members frankly recognize the advantages and disadvantages, take measures in the process of studying, training and cultivating to perfect themselves, from there propose policies and solutions to promote advantages and overcome limitations.

Along with the time progress, The Party Committee of the Bloc requested agencies and units to review, evaluate, and classify to avoid inefficiency, formal, overcome the situation of respect and avoidance, ensuring the principles of democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism, unity, objectivity and comprehensiveness. The assessment and grading must be substantive, creating a really clear change in the review, assessment, and classification of groups and individuals.

Currently, all levels of Party committees, party organizations, agencies and units have been organizing and guiding their subordinates to implement. Collectives and individuals are organizing reviews at their level to ensure strict implementation of self-criticism and criticism, evaluation, substantive, democratic and objective classification… Mrs. Cam Thi Phay, Head of Party Group 4, Party cell of Tam An Street, Van Quan Town, Van Quan District said: Before Tam An Party cell carried out the year-end review, assessment and grading, Party Group 4 has conducted evaluation with 8 party members. When conducting the review and evaluation, the party members carefully prepared the personal review, read the evaluation, and made the commitment. In the spirit of democracy and frankness, the party members made comments and assessments, then agreed to rank them with their party members. This is a regular job every year, but it will help each party member to examine and correct themselves. Thereby, it promotes the exemplary spirit of each party member.

When conducting the review and evaluation, the party members followed the correct process, read the assessment, committed… In the spirit of democracy and frankness, the party members made comments and assessments, then agreed to rank them with their party members. Minutes of the meeting were completed with high consensus to prepare for the year-end review and evaluation meeting of the party cell.

Up to the present time, party organizations, party members, agencies and units have been urgently conducting the review, evaluation and grading in 2022 to ensure the timely completion of the proposed plans. This is an opportunity for each Party organization and individual party member to self-examine and correct themselves. In order for the review, assessment and classification of collectives and individuals to be substantive and highly effective, contributing to improving the leadership capacity and combat strength of Party organizations, members, each party organization and each cadres and party members should further uphold the spirit of self-criticism and criticism, and promote democracy.

“Over the past time, the review, assessment and classification of the quality of party organizations, party members, collectives and individuals have always been strictly carried out in accordance with the guidance of the Central Organization Committee and the Provincial Standing Committee. In general, collectives and individuals have self-disciplined in self-criticism, self-criticism, self-examination, self-correction with the spirit of democracy, solidarity, responsibility, frankness, sincerity, objectivity, and constructive, ensure principles and membership. The state of respect, avoidance, fear of collision, and “repentance” in criticism, especially criticism of superiors, continued to be overcome with many positive changes. After the review, the collectives and individuals seriously developed a plan to overcome the limitations and shortcomings pointed out, and the individual cadres and party members made a commitment to cultivate, practice, and strive for strive to match regulations”.

Mr. Trinh Tien Duy, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Organizing Commission of the Provincial Party Committee