Friday,  09/20/2024

Launching the 3rd political essay contest on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party

On the morning of February 1, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics coordinated with the Central Propaganda Commission and a number of units to hold a press conference to launch the 3rd political essay contest on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against false and hostile views in 2023. The conference was held in person and online.

Delegates attended the conference at the connection point of Lang Son province

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, Deputy Head of the Central Steering Committee 35 chaired the press conference.

At the connection point of Lang Son province, attending the conference were Mr. Phung Quang Hoi, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Propaganda Commission of the Provincial Party Committee; leaders of a number of departments, commissions and sectors of the province.

The 3rd political essay contest continued to affirm the important position and role of protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against false and hostile views; raising awareness and responsibility of cadres, party members and people for the task of protecting the ideological foundation of the Party; improving the quality of press works with the content of protecting the ideological foundation of the Party under the motto of closely combining “building” and “preventing”, “take the good thing to eliminate the bad thing”…

The content of the entries focused on defending the basic principles and sustainable values of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thought; Vietnam’s current development model with outstanding values; theory on the national renewal guideline; documents of the 13th National Party Congress, Party congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term; identifying and directly refute false and hostile views; summarizing experiences, effective models and ways in protecting the ideological foundation of the Party…

This year’s contest is wider in scale with 3 types of contest entries: magazines, newspapers, and broadcasts. The deadline to receive entries is from the launch date to July 31, 2023, and the award is expected to be awarded on the occasion of the 5-year review of the implementation of Resolution No.35 of the Politburo.

At the press conference, the delegates raised a number of opinions related to the following contents such as the participants; improving the effectiveness of propaganda about the contest; summarizing and evaluating the contributions of the contestants; publishing winning articles; Criteria for evaluating quality work…

Speaking at the press conference, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics stated: The contest is a continuation of the success of the previous year’s competitions, with more expansion in scale and more diversity in genres. Through this, in order to continue affirming the important position and role of the work of protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views; promptly detect wrong ideas, train the force to do this work.

The dỉrector suggested that immediately after the press conference, all levels of party committees and organizations should strengthen propaganda about the contest, conduct propaganda in batches to ensure the focus and target; research appropriate ways to spread and attract a large number of participants in the contest… At the same time, the propaganda and steering committees at all levels continue to pay attention to the organization and implementation; encouraging discovery of novelty in works and forces in performing tasks.