Friday,  09/20/2024

Developing the women of Lang Son province in the new era

Responding to the emulation movement “Developing Vietnamese women in the new era”, all levels of women’s unions in the province have been diversifying activities to support women to develop themselves, to affirm their position in all fields of social life.

Building a happy family

The emulation movement “Developing Vietnamese women in the new era” was launched from the 13th National Congress of Women Union, term 2022 – 2027. Since then, the Women’s Union (WU) of the province has responded and launched the movement “Developing Vietnamese women in the new era”. Ms. Nong Thanh Hai, Chairwoman of the Provincial WU said: “According to the guidance of the Central WU, the movement has 4 core contents and criteria for women to study and practice to meet the requirements of the new era, including knowledge; health; morality and responsibility to themselves, their family, society and the country. We have asked WU at all levels to popularize the movement to officials and members, with specific standards for women, female members and officials of the union. The movement is associated with the practice of moral qualities “confidence, self-respect, loyalty, responsibility”; studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style. Thereby, it helps to build strong women with the will and aspiration to develop and meet the requirements during the integration and development of the nation.”

The officials of Provincial Women’s Union respond to “Ao Dai Week” in 2023

In the standards of the movement, all levels of WU have focused on supporting women to build happy families, focusing on innovating propaganda, providing them knowledge and skills. Particularly, they focus on implementing the campaign “Building a family of 5 no, 3 clean” with specific criteria. The highlight is that the propaganda is carried out in many forms, in addition to word of mouth, the WU also organizes contests, exchanges and seminars. For example, in 2022, the Provincial Women’s Union organized 2 exchanges of happy family clubs on the International Day of Happiness March 20 with the theme “Loving and Sharing” in Bac Son and Van Quan districts; coordinated with Lang Son City Steering Committee for Family Affairs in honoring 16 typical families on Vietnam Family Day June 28; organized 2 seminars with the theme “The current situation and solutions to limit early divorce in young families”… With many practical activities in 2022, WU at all levels have supported and guided more than 1,800 member households to achieve “Family 5 no, 3 clean” (99% exceeded target).

Ms. Hoang Thi Le Hang, a member of the Women’s Union of Coc Phat village, Dai Dong commune, Trang Dinh district said: “Attending activities and propaganda sessions of WU at all levels, we improve our knowledge of building happy family, raising children. My family has four generations living together, as a woman I always try to harmonize family relationships, set an example for my children to build a sustainably happy family.”

Affirming their position in society

With the trend of the new era, the women are required to not only build happiness in each family but also shoulder social tasks. Currently, together with women across the country, women of Lang Son are participating comprehensively and effectively in all areas of social life. Accordingly, WU at all levels actively coordinate with the government, agencies and units to develop programs and projects on training female officials, vocational training, scientific and technical training for female workers; to create conditions for women to participate in building the Party and government. At the same time, the WU organizes traditional education activities for women, sports festivals and contests, maintains appropriate cultural, arts and sports clubs with the aim of creating a favorable environment for women to improve physical and mental health. In 2022, the whole province had more than 2,000 members participating in vocational training classes on cultivation and animal husbandry (200% exceeding the target); WU at all levels introduced to the Party 1,005 typical members (0.5% exceeding the target), 581 of them were recuited to the Party.

Female worker of Bao Long Co., Ltd. in Cao Loc district during working hours

In economy, politics and society, Lang Son women increasingly assert their position. Currently, the percentage of female officials participating in Party committees at all levels for the 2020-2025 term in the whole province is 23.5%; female People’s Council deputies at all levels for the term 2021 – 2026 reaches 30.1%; the proportion of female rural laborers accounts for about 61.7%, who are the core force in agricultural production.

Along with that, WU at all levels have actively developed plans, carried out supervision and social criticism on issues related to women, children and gender equality. Typically in 2022, the Provincial Women’s Union researched, proposed and commented on the draft Resolution on policies to encourage officials, civil servants and public employees to be sent for postgraduate training and attract high-qualified people to work in Lang Son province, with the regulation of 10% additional benefits from the training incentive policy and the level of benefit from the attraction policy for women… On July 7, 2022, the Provincial People’s Council issued Resolution No. 15/2022/NQ-HDND on policies encouraging officials, civil servants and public employees to be sent for post-graduate training and to attract people with high professional qualifications to work in Lang Son province, including the content recommended by the Provincial Women’s Union…

In the coming time, in order to continue implementing the movement towards developing the traditional, modern, humane, proactive, creative and integrated women of Lang Son in the new era, all levels of WU will continue to encourage women from all walks of life to promote the fine traditions of Vietnamese women and actively study and improve their knowledge and qualifications in all aspects, especially improving the level of access to and application of information technology and digital transformation; to listen to public opinion, ideas, thoughts and aspirations of female officials and members and participating in monitoring and criticizing issues related to women and children.