Friday,  09/20/2024

Voluntary blood donation: Workers for public health

Understanding the noble meaning of voluntary blood donation, in recent years, trade unions at all levels have encouraged their members and employees in the province to participate in blood donation. Thereby, it contributes to spreading the blood donation movement, meeting the urgent needs of patients at medical facilities.

Ms. Be Thi Hoa, Standing Vice President of the Provincial Confederation of Labor (CL), said: “Following the direction of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the Provincial Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation, annually, the Provincial CL has issued  plan to encourage and coordinate with the Provincial Red Cross Association to organize blood donation festivals. With the spirit of “a drop of blood for a life “, trade unions at all levels have focused on encouraging their officials, members and employees to donate blood, helping patients in need of blood transfusion and saving a life while there isn’t enough blood in the hospital. As a result, the number of employees participating in blood donation in the following year is higher than that of the previous year and it exceeds the plan.”

The leaders of Provincial CL, Provincial Red Cross Association encourage their officials, members and employees to participate in voluntary blood donation

From 2020 up to now, the Provincial CL has developed a plan and sent it to all districts, Lang Son city and the union to encourage its members and employees to donate blood. On that basis, the CL of districts, Lang Son city and trade unions at smaller levels have developed plans and allocated specific targets for grassroots trade unions. They has taken some time in their professional meetings to encourage their members and employees to donate blood.

Additionally, in the middle of March every year, the Provincial CL in collaboration with the Provincial Red Cross Association organizes a blood donation festival. It has attracted a large number of trade union officials, members and employees. As a result, from 2020 up to now, the blood donation festival organized by the Provincial CL has attracted 1,700 people (41.6% exceeding the target), and they have donated 1,231 blood units (23.1% higher than the target).

Mr. Hoang Thai Lam, Chairman of the City CL, said: “Understanding the meaning of blood donation, the Lang Son City CL has issued a plan to encourage its members and employees to participate in blood donation and set target for each trade union at grassroots level. From 2020 up to now, there have been 365 members of the affiliated trade unions donating 223 units of blood. In order to encourage employees and create spreading effect, in August 2022, the City CL has commended and rewarded 110 excellent individuals.”

Along with the units accompanying the Provincial CL in mid-March every year, the CL in the remaining districts coordinated with the Steering Committee for Blood Donation at district level to organize Blood Donation Festival, depending on their actual situation. As a result, from 2020 to now, there are 3,920 trade union members and employees in the province donating more than 3,470 blood units.

Ms. Hoang Thi Hong, Leader of the Trade Union of Dinh Lap High School, Dinh Lap district said: Understanding the noble meaning of the blood donation, I have donated my blood 7 times. After donating blood, my health is still good and stable, so I actively encouraged my colleagues and relatives to donate blood. In my trade union group, 3 out of 8 teachers regularly participate in blood donation. My husband also donated blood 3 times.”

Promoting the achieved results, at the beginning of February 2023, the Provincial CL continued to develop plans, provide information, encourage and organize the blood donation. After more than a month of encouragement (by the end of March 13, 2023), the CL of Lang Son City, Cao Loc District, the Trade Union of Public Employees, the Trade Union of the Education Sector, and the Trade Union of the Health Sector have recorded 900  employees signing up to donate blood (the target is 700 employees). In order to encourage them and replicate the typical examples in blood donation movement, the Provincial CL has asked the trade unions and labor federation of district and city to review, make a list and decide to commend and reward 20 families and 30 individuals with outstanding achievements in encouragement and blood donation.