Friday,  09/20/2024

Creating consensus and strengthening the great solidarity bloc from mass mobilization

Mass mobilization and mass mobilization work have always been tasks of strategic significance to our Party’s revolutionary cause, especially in the current situation, the people’s consensus is the measure of the effectiveness of the Party’s mass mobilization work.

Following that point of view, over the years, party committees and authorities at all levels have implemented mass mobilization work in all areas of social life. Thereby, it contributes to creating consensus, promoting synergy to successfully carry out the political tasks.

Great popularization

Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Commission for Mass Mobilization of the Provincial Party Committee Giap Thi Bac, said: “In order to effectively implement the mass mobilization work, the Commission for Mass Mobilization of the Provincial Party Committee has actively advised the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to issue many documents to lead and direct, especially the Regulation on mass mobilization work of the political system of Lang Son province; the Project on continuing to renovate the contents and operation ways of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations until 2025 and the following years; building a grassroots-level “friendly government” model; carrying out the emulation movement “Skillful mass mobilization”… At the same time, the Commission has directed the mass mobilization commissions at all levels to advise their Party committees in disseminating the Party’s decisions, regulations and guidelines on mass mobilization work; program development and implementation of mass mobilization in the province.”

Members of the Youth Union of the Provincial Public Security Department cooperate with Trang Dinh District Youth Union to build a road to the landmark in Doi Can commune, Trang Dinh district

When there are documents and instructions from superiors on mass mobilization work, 100% of party committees of districts, Lang Son city and affiliated party committees have issued implementation plans; popularized them to cadres, party members and people of all strata. Each agency and unit has implemented them based on their own actual situations.

Party committees at all levels, agencies and units have focused on implementation with such methods as innovating the way of popularization, being creative in association with the political tasks; raising the responsibility of the leader of the Party Committee in receiving the people, meeting with the people and handling the people’s complaints and recommendations; promoting the emulation movement “Skillful mass mobilization” … These have contributed to encouraging cadres, party members and the People to unite, promoting patriotic emulation movements, promoting democracy and strengthening the great solidarity bloc.

For example, in Dinh Lap district, in 2022, one of the key leading tasks of the district was to promote the synergy of the political system at the grassroots level in the border area for managing and protecting the territorial sovereignty and security of the national border… Mr. Dang Van Loc, Standing Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee said: “In order to well perform the tasks, the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee requested the promotion of propaganda, mobilization and maximization of the strength of the whole political system to jointly manage and protect the border, aiming to build a strong all-people border defend. One of the most out-standing results was that Dinh Lap became a pioneer district in mobilizing socialization of funds and labor to build more than 2.4 km of roads to the border landmarks (in 2022), contributing to the convenient patrol of the border guard.”

Regarding the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies’ Bloc, over the past time, its Standing Committee has directed the party committees  at grassroots  level to implement the models and works of “Skillful Mass Mobilization” associated with learning and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style. According to statistics, from the beginning of 2022 until now, the Party Committee has registered 154 models and works, 101 of them have been completed. Among them are models and works that are implemented at the grassroots level, bringing practical benefits to the people such as the cultural and meeting house in Po Nhung village, Bao Lam commune, Cao Loc with total cost of 1.3 billion VND by the Party Committee of the Provincial Customs Department; charity houses for poor households in Bac Son district with a total cost of 100 million VND contributed by officials, party members, civil servants and employees of the Market Management Department; the volleyball court for Ban Pen village, Trung Khanh commune, Van Lang district by the Party Committee of Department of Industry and Trade…

Mr. Mong Van Ky, Secretary and Head of Ban Pen village, Trung Khanh commune, Van Lang district said: “Previously, people in the village did not have any large area to exercise and play sports. Since being supported with a volleyball court, people have a place to exercise, children have a large and safe space to play. This is a very meaningful project because people in the village have been longing for it.”

In addition to the two units mentioned above, the party committees of districts, Lang Son city and other have base on the actual situation to carry out mass mobilization work in all areas such as economic development, party building, national security and defend, social welfare, administrative reform… thereby, some positive results have been achieved. Typically, Van Lang, Trang Dinh, Loc Binh, Huu Lung districts etc. implement the model of “friendly government” in 100% of their communes and towns with the goal of better serving individuals and organization; the Party Committee of Border Guard Command directs the development and implementation of models “All-People Border Guard Day”, and “Mobilizing resources of socialization to build the road to national border markers”, “Encouraging people’s power to attack criminals”; the Party Committee of Provincial Public Security Department directs the implementation of many voluntary activities towards grassroots level, helping people to prevent, combat and overcome consequences of natural disasters, ensuring social welfare…

Moreover, the Party committees and authorities at all levels have always considered the people as the root, implemented many solutions to promote the people’s ownership and supervisory role in all aspects of social life. For example, regarding dialogue, every year, heads of Party committees and authorities at all levels hold dialogues with the People at least once a year to listen to their opinions and answer their questions; maintaining the operational efficiency of people’s inspection committees, community investment supervision committees, etc. These activities make people trust and support the Party’s guidelines, policies and the State’s laws.

   Create the power of great unity

While implementing the mass mobilization work, the Party Committees at all levels always uphold the seriousness, carry out the propaganda and education in parallel with the encouragement and launch of emulation movements; discover, commend, reward and encourage typical examples… At the same time, the political system’s method of performing mass mobilization work has changed in the direction of clear work, clear responsibilities, clear ways of doing and being more synchronously and efficiently implemented.

The good implementation of the mass mobilization work has created a consensus among the People in the implementation of the goals and tasks of all levels, branches and units such as disease prevention and control, socio-economic development, national defense and security maintenance, solutions to social problems; site clearance for key projects, new rural development, civilized urban building…

Women in Na Canh village, Bang Mac commune, Chi Lang district join hands to build a green, clean and beautiful village road

With the active and proactive participation of the whole political system, the enthusiastic and practical response of the people, new rural development has become a widespread movement and achieved many positive results. With the motto “the State and the People work together”, on average, people donate hundreds of thousands of square meters of land and tens of thousands of working days each year to build essential infrastructure works. Up to now, in the province, there are 86 communes recognized as meeting new rural standards, 17 of them meet new advanced rural standards, 2 are model new rural communes. Along with that, essential infrastructure is upgraded in a synchronous direction, better serving production and life.

Mr. Hoang Viet Bao, a member of the Party Committee of Tan Tien village, Thuy Hung commune, Cao Loc district, said: “With the responsibility of a party member, I always determine that I must be an example and take the lead in the movements in order to calling for followers in the village. Encouraged by party committees and governments at all levels, in early 2022, my family donated more than 600 m2 of land to build the village’s traffic route for more convenient travel of ourselves and other people.”

One of the outstanding results in the mass mobilization work in the province is mobilizing individuals and organizations to join hands in building roads to landmarks protecting the border of Lang Son province. Lang Son has a 231.74 km border line running through 5 districts including Dinh Lap, Loc Binh, Cao Loc, Van Lang and Trang Dinh. On the border line, there are 474 landmarks demarcating national border sovereignty, 459 of them are located in dangerous high positions that require investment in building roads to facilitate the patrol of landmarks and convenient in travel and production development of local people. Responding to the call in the Letter of the Provincial Party Committee – People’s Council – People’s Committee – Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, many units and individuals have actively provided funding, working days, etc. from November 2022 to April 18, 2023, 175 agencies, units, businesses and individuals inside and outside the province have donated money and kind of over 5.4 billion VND; the whole province has built over 120 roads to check landmarks.

Thanks to the efforts in implementing the mass mobilization work of the Party Committees and authorities at all levels, the campaigns have become more and more effective, making positive contributions to socio-economic development and improving the people’s lives, national defense maintenance, security, social order and safety. In order for the mass mobilization work to be increasingly effective, in the coming time, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee will continue to ask the Party committees at all levels to renovate the leadership in mass mobilization work; to focus on popularizing the guidelines and resolutions of the Central Government and the province on mass mobilization work. At the same time, they should enhance the coordination efficiency of agencies and units; inspect, examine, deal with negativity, corruption, acts of infringing upon the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of citizens…