Friday,  09/20/2024

A safe 2023 high school graduation exam in accordance with regulations

On the afternoon of June 29, at the end of the second exam day, which is also the last day of the exam, more than 9,000 students in Lang Son province finished their high school graduation exam in 2023. After two days, at 21 locations, the exam was safely and seriously organized, especially no proctors or students violated the exam regulations.

Students taking the exam at Viet Bac High School

The high school graduation exam in 2023 was nearly 2 weeks earlier than that in 2022. In order to ensure a safe and serious exam, before the performance began, the Provincial Steering Committee had strengthened the inspection of preparation at a number of exam locations. The facilities serving the exam, plans to ensure security and safety and response to sudden situations have been carefully prepared at all exam location. The organization of the exam was strictly implemented according to the procedures and regulations. Now, it can be affirmed that the high school graduation exam in 2023 in the province has been successfully held with security and safety as well as ensuring quality and compliance with regulations.

Specifically, before the first exam day, a prolonged heavy rain caused flooding and landslides on some roads in the province. To ensure smooth and safe traffic for students, functional units have urgently fixed the landslide. In addition, for the safety of students, the government, departments, sectors, mass unions and teachers in some affected districts have come to their homes to pick them up. For example, in Loc Binh district, from June 26, teachers and parents carried them on motorbikes along dry routes to accommodations near the test site. By the afternoon of June 27, all 948 students at 3 locations in the district including Loc Binh High School, Na Duong High School and Tu Doan High School were present at the exam locations.

Nevertheless, in some districts, their local governments at all levels also provided students from far away accommodation and meals, creating the best conditions for them. Talking to us, Mr. Nguyen Van Thinh, Vice Chairman of Cao Loc District People’s Committee, Head of the District Steering Committee for the 2023 High School Graduation Exam in Cao Loc district, said: “Because our district is large, it is difficult for students from Ba Son High School (more than 100 students) living in Cao Lau, Xuat Le communes to go home within the day. The Steering Committee has asked the school to make a list and assign units to provide students with accommodation and food so that they can focus on the exam.”

Students taking the exam at Chu Van An High School for the Gifted finished their 2023 high school graduation exam

In addition, during the exam period, the security and safety was most prioritized by the Examination Councils, and the discipline of the exam school was tightened. Along with that, in order to ensure a safe and serious exam, the Provincial Examination Steering Committee has requested the police force to protect examination locations. All 21 exam locations were protected by police forces ensuring security, order and traffic.

Senior Colonel Le Thi Thu, Deputy Head of the Internal Political Security Division, Lang Son Provincial Public Security said: “Defining the protection of security and safety for the exam a particularly important political task, provincial police force has actively advised the Provincial Steering Committee for the national high school exam in 2023 to implement the plan to ensure security and order for the exam, closely coordinated with the Department of Education and Training and other related departments, sectors to provide the best security and safety for the exam. We sent about 400 officers and soldiers to participate in protecting security and safety at all stages of the exam, protecting network security, information safety, traffic order and safety and fire prevention avoiding complicated events to affect the exam.”

Police force protects exam location at Binh Gia High School

Along with that, at each exam location, there was a young volunteer force of “Exam Support” to provide maximum support for students, from guiding them to the exam room, taking care of their belongings, to providing water and other utensils. Many other exam locations provided difficult students and those living far away with travel and accommodation support. Some parents participated in supporting students.

As noted by the reporter about the organization of the exam, during the two days of the exam, the weather was relatively favorable, facilitating the taking the exam. In the morning of the first day of the exam, the students took the Literature test and the Math test in the afternoon. On the second day, the students took the inter-subjected test and the foreign language test. In the final exam day, most of the students evaluated this year’s tests closely following the textbook program. At the end of each subject test, most students left the exam room cheerful, comfortable and confident with their performaces.

Student Vu Duc Cuong, taking the tests at Viet Bac High School said: “During the exam, I was supported by volunteers and teachers, therefore I have a good performance. This year, in addition to registering for the graduation exam, I also chose the combination of block D which is Math, Literature, and English for university admission. After 2 days of the test, I found that the exam questions were clearly differentiated from the common ground. I find math and English the hardest. I’m not sure if I can get into the university I want, but I’m confident I’ll graduate with good grades.”

This year’s exam took place in favorable conditions, when the epidemic was completely under control. With the participation of sectors, districts and Lang Son city, the attention and consensus of parents, the High School Graduation Exam in 2023 took place successfully. In particular, there are no proctors or students violating exam regulations.

Mr. Hoang Quoc Tuan, Director of the Department of Education and Training, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Steering Committee for the High School Graduation Exam in 2023, said: “This year’s exam is well prepared from teaching, reviewing lesson, organizing mock exams, analyzing results to provide knowledge for students. During the process of reviewing and preparing for the exam, inspection and examination are organized to ensure the best preparation as well as exam organization. With the preparation of schools, the support of the community and society, especially the efforts of students, it is entirely possible to expect a good exam this year.”

As soon as the exam was over, the exam councils handed over all the boxes containing the students’ test papers to the exam gathering place prepared by the Department of Education and Training. It was protected and supervised by forces including examination staff, the security force of the Provincial Public Security until the papers were evaluated. Exam results are expected to be announced on July 18.