Friday,  09/20/2024

More than 2,000 people participate in the career orientation and job introduction day in Cao Loc district

On July 11, Cao Loc District People’s Committee held a career orientation and job introduction day.

Parents in Cao Loc district find out information for their children about the vocational training program in Germany

There were 22 booths of recruitment units inside and outside the province and over 2,000 students, youth union members and workers in the district participating in this event.

Cao Loc district now has over 49,000 people of working age. In 2023, the district strives to create new jobs for 1,300 workers. The organization of career orientation and job introduction day contributes to realizing this target.

Workers learn about cooking at Lang Son branch of Hanoi Community Intermediate School

At the event, employees were career-oriented and provided with information about academic and vocational subjects, jobs in high demand for labor recruitment, information on labor export and study abroad in some countries such as Germany, Japan, Korea, China…; domestic companies needing to recruit workers;. At the same time, employees were introduced to occupations that are lacking human resources and engaged in interviews with businesses and recruitment units; they also got the information about loan policies to support workers in ethnic minority and mountainous areas to work abroad for a specific time under contracts according to the National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas…

The leader of the Cao Loc District Division of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs – Ethnic Minority Affairs signs a cooperation agreement on labor supply and demand information with labor recruitment agencies inside and outside the province

During the program, the leader of Employment – Social Insurance Division under Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs introduced legal information on labor policies, employment, recruitment advice, changes in policies of this area to participants and workers. The Division of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs – Ethnic Minority Affairs of Cao Loc district signed a cooperation agreement on labor supply and demand information with labor recruitment agencies inside and outside the province.