Friday,  09/20/2024

Expanding cooperation and promotion of Lang Son Geopark

In the past time, the construction and promotion of Lang Son Geopark has always been concerned by all levels and sectors of the province. In particular, expanding cooperation is one of the solutions that have been promoted and achieved positive results.

Leaders of Lang Son Geopark Management Board and members of the Global Geopark Management Boards of the provinces visited and conducted field surveys at Bac Son Uprising Museum, Bac Son district

Developing and implementing programs to propagate, advertise and promote tourism in the Geopark and strengthen international integration and cooperation, participating in activities of UNESCO’s global geopark network are two of UNESCO’s mandatory criteria. Therefore, the expansion of cooperation and promotion has always been of special interest to the management boards of Geoparks, including Lang Son Geopark.

From linking, promoting development in the province

Mrs. Pham Thi Huong, Deputy Head of Lang Son Geopark Management Board said: Linking and cooperating in tourism development is an extremely important activity that the Geopark Management Board has carried out over the past time. We have been promoting our advantages to connect the network, promote multi-dimensional cooperation links with units inside and outside the province, connect with the management boards of the Geopark. Currently, we are advising the functional sector to implement many contents of cooperation, association, participation, and organization of activities of the UNESCO global Geopark network to strengthen the expansion of cooperation and promotion of Lang Son Geopark and have achieved certain results.

Accordingly, linkage activities between Lang Son Geopark Management Board and relevant agencies and units and People’s Committees of districts and city are being promoted. Specifically, from 2022 up to now, the Board has coordinated with the People’s Committees of districts and city to organize more than 50 online meetings to discuss the construction and development of the Geopark. At the same time, the Board set up delegations to participate in field surveys and sign cooperation agreements at recognized UNESCO Global Geoparks such as Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, Non Nuoc Cao Bang UNESCO Global Geopark. In addition, the delegation of Lang Son province attended the 7th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Geoparks held at UNESCO Satun Global Geopark, Thailand in September 2022. In addition, the Board also coordinated with 15 businesses and business households in the districts and city to sign a partnership agreement to build 4 tourist routes in the Geopark.

Accompanying the Lang Son Geopark Management Board, the Lang Son Geopark Management Sub-Committees in the districts and city have also been proactive in linking and cooperating activities. Mr. Khong Hong Minh, Head of Culture and Information Division of Huu Lung district said: Although there are still many difficulties and limitations, especially in the years affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have advised the District People’s Committee to take advantage of the time to link and work in person and online with the Lang Son Geopark Management Board; coordinate with relevant agencies to finalize the draft land agreement to build Lang Son Geopark Information Center at the parking lot of Bac Le temple, Huu Lung district. In addition, we also coordinate with businesses and business households to review and finalize the Draft Partnership Agreement for Lang Son Geopark.

Along with that, Lang Son Geopark Management Board also cooperated with domestic and foreign experts, People’s Committees of districts and city survey, review and determine in detail the location, land fund and land use status to build information centers of Lang Son Geopark; a system of boards explaining points on 4 geopark tourist routes… Thereby, 4 tourist sightseeing routes in the geopark have been formed, specifically: route No. 1: Hanoi city – Huu Lung district – Chi Lang district – Lang Son city; route No. 2: Lang Son city – Cao Loc district – Van Quan district – Binh Gia district – Bac Son district; route No. 3: Bac Son district – Van Quan district – Chi Lang district – Lang Son city; route No. 4: Lang Son city – Cao Loc district – Loc Binh district – Lang Son city.

The Management Board also cooperates with companies, businesses, and cooperatives in the province to promote and attach the Geopark logo on branded and endemic products of the province such as Star anise, cinnamon, clean agricultural products such as dried noodle, chicken, clean vegetables… as well as actively introduce cultural values and products of the Geopark at fairs, conferences, seminars, and major events of the province.

Expanding and strengthening global network integration

Regarding the work of developing international integration and cooperation, participating in activities of UNESCO’s Global Geopark Network, Lang Son Geopark Management Board has advised leaders of the Provincial Steering Committee for Global Geopark Construction to promote and mobilize domestic and international funding and support sources for the construction and development of Lang Son Geopark; introduced and promoted Lang Son Geopark through external activities, diplomatic channels and external information work.

Connecting with domestic and foreign partners, promoting cooperation in construction and development of Lang Son Geopark, from its establishment in 2021 to present, Lang Son Geopark Management Board has actively participated in more than 50 activities of UNESCO Global Geopark Network, Asia Pacific Global Geopark Network, Vietnam Global Geopark Network such as the Online Training Program of the Global Geopark Network with the theme “UNESCO Global Geopark and Sustainable Development”; Online forum organized by the Asia-Pacific Geopark Network; The 9th UNESCO Global Geopark International Conference… Most recently, in July 2023, Lang Son was honored to be selected to host the annual meeting of the Vietnam Global Geoparks Technical Subcommittee.

In addition, Lang Son Geopark Management Board also held an online meeting with a number of foreign partners to introduce Lang Son Geopark, promote cooperation, attract capital for knowledge and experience in construction and development of Lang Son Geopark such as: working with the UNESCO Office in Vietnam; International Urban Training Center, Gangwon Provincial Government, Korea; Oki Islands UNESCO Global Geopark Management Board and Oki High School, Japan; Mr. Guy Martini, General Secretary of the UNESCO Global Geopark Network and a number of senior Vietnamese consultants…

In addition, every year, the Lang Son Geopark Management Board also participates in conferences to review the annual performance of the National Committee of UNESCO Vietnam, the Vietnam Geopark Network and periodically meet to exchange expertise with national and international geopark network in the form of online meeting. The exchange and cooperation within the UNESCO Global Geopark Network through exchange activities, study tours and strengthening cooperation with global Geoparks is also one of the effective channels to open up cooperation opportunities for Lang Son with localities of countries around the world. Thereby, the province strengthens promoting the image and attracting the attention of tourists and foreign investors who are interested in visiting and surveying the potential of tourism development cooperation in the province.

As a result, the name Lang Son Geopark is increasingly appearing with high frequency and being mentioned by domestic and foreign media. In July 2023, we searched on Google for the keyword “Lang Son Geopark”, and there were over 22 million results. Besides, articles about Lang Son Geopark on the website, social networking sites Facebook, Zalo, Youtube have received the attention of readers with nearly 100,000 visits, shares and comments. Thereby, it contributes to attracting domestic and foreign tourists to Lang Son..

With the right directions of the Management Board of Lang Son Geopark and the active participation of all levels, sectors, units and tourism service establishments, the promotion of Lang Son Geopark will continue to achieve high efficiency, gradually reaching the title of UNESCO Global Geopark.

“For Lang Son, participating in events of the UNESCO Global Geopark Network helps the province learn more experiences in geopark construction. Therefore, in the coming time, we will continue to accompany the Lang Son Geopark Management Board, organize linking and cooperative activities to promote the image of Lang Son Geopark with more innovative and creative solutions.

Besides, I also hope that the People’s Committee of Lang Son province will study and plan the construction of a scientific research center, galleries, museums, conference areas, seminars and accommodation, services, amusement park for people, tourists…with the aim of increasing the income of local people. The location does not necessarily use the central areas, but it is possible to plan areas far from the center but have great potential for tourism development, It is not necessary to use the state budget but will link and cooperate with potential business units inside and outside the province to build these centers.

Mr. Trinh Hai Son, Director of the Institute of Geosciences and Minerals, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Head of the Specialized Subcommittee on Vietnam Global Geopark.