Friday,  09/20/2024

Signing an agreement to coordinate humanitarian and charitable activities

On the afternoon of October 15, the Executive Board of the Provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and the Provincial Red Cross Association organized the signing program for coordination in humanitarian work in the period of 2023 – 2028.

Leader of the Provincial Red Cross Association and the Executive Board of the Provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha signed agreement to coordinate humanitarian charity activities for the period of 2023 – 2028

 In recent time, the Executive Board of the Provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha has implemented many meaningful charity and humanitarian activities, contributing to social security in the province. In order for charity and humanitarian activities to be organized more systematically, professionally and widely among the Buddhist community in particular and the people in general, The two units have signed an agreement to coordinate humanitarian and charitable activities in the period 2023 – 2028. The content of the signing includes: coordinating to propagate humanitarian values, the spirit of solidarity, mutual love, and the tradition of great national solidarity to all monks, nuns, and Buddhists; Red Cross officers, members, volunteers, youth, and people from all walks of life; coordination work is based on common principles of strengthening the propaganda of humanitarian values and mobilizing resources for activities. The 2 units jointly implemented inspection and supervision; carried out activities in the spirit of voluntariness, respect, equality, in accordance with the law, for the right purpose, for the right audience, and to ensure publicity and transparency.

The signed program takes effect immediately after signing, contributing to improving the quality and widely spreading humanitarian and charitable activities in the area.