Friday,  09/20/2024

Launching the Month of Action for gender equality and preventing and responding to gender-based violence; praising outstanding women

On the morning of November 13, the Committee for the Advancement of Women in Lang Son province held a launching ceremony for the Month of Action for gender equality and preventing and responding to gender-based violence; praising 55 outstanding women and launching a communication campaign in 2023.

Delegates attend the launching ceremony

Attending the ceremony were  Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Committee for the Advancement of Women; Mr. Phung Quang Hoi, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Commission; leaders of departments, sectors, commissions and unions of the province; leaders of districts and city.

In recent years, with the attention and leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, and Provincial Committee for the Advancement of Women, all levels and sectors have synchronously implemented tasks and solutions to gradually implement important goals in the national strategy on gender equality; gender-based violence prevention and response program; communication program on gender equality in Lang Son province until 2030…Thereby contributing to bringing the Gender Equality Law into practice. Awareness and responsibility of organizations, individuals, and families in eliminating gender discrimination and gender stereotypes are increasing, towards substantive gender equality.

Month of action for gender equality and prevention and response to gender-based violence in 2023 with a message “Ensuring social security, increase empowerment and create opportunities for women and girls to achieve gender equality and eliminate gender-based violence” towards building Lang Son province to develop sustainably, without poverty, “no one left behind”.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Committee for the Advancement of Women , gives a directive speech at the launching ceremony

Speaking at the launching ceremony, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested all levels and sectors to continue to strengthen propaganda, thoroughly grasp and seriously and synchronously implement regulations of the central and province on the work of gender equality and for the advancement of women; respond to the Month of Action with many activities, diversify forms of propaganda and training to raise awareness about gender and gender equality; prevent violence and abuse against women and children in appropriate, safe, effective and economical forms; integrate with other events to create communication effects throughout society. At the same time, the province fully implement support policies to ensure social security for people in general, and women and children in particular; organize activities to support victims, women and children in difficult circumstances; continue to effectively implement the program to prevent and respond to gender-based violence for the period of 2021 – 2025.

At the same time, the province continue to replicate and improve the quality of operations of models to prevent and respond to violence and abuse of women and children, and promote models of “trusted addresses – shelters” in the community; club model to support women at risk of being forced to marry foreigners; “Safe, friendly, non-violent schools” model…, build and replicate models of changing “ways of thinking and doing” to empower women; promote equality and solve urgent problems of women and children; strengthen socialization of communication activities and support for victims of abuse, violence, trafficking… especially women and children.

The province build an inter-sectoral coordination mechanism in implementing gender equality work to create synergy to raise the sense of responsibility of each official, party member and people of all walks of life in implementing gender equality; condemn and fight against acts of discrimination, abuse, violence, and insults to the dignity of women and children; strengthen inter-sectoral inspection of gender equality and for the advancement of women at agencies, units and localities to promptly detect and handle those who commit acts of violence against women and girls. At the same time, every woman and girl needs to strive for herself in studying and working to affirm and enhance her role and position in society; acquiring knowledge and skills to protect yourself; be brave and strong to speak up when experiencing discrimination and violence.

Immediately after the launching ceremony, the Committee for the Advancement of Women praised 55 outstanding female delegates in the fields of economics – culture – society in 2023.

Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and leaders of the Provincial Women’s Union presented gifts to outstanding women delegates

Mr. Phung Quang Hoi, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Commission and Chairman of the Provincial Labor Confederation presented gifts to outstanding women delegates praised at the program

Leaders of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Department of Home Affairs presented gifts to outstanding women delegates praised at the program

During the program, the Provincial Committee for the Advancement of Women praised and presented gifts to 55 outstanding female delegates. Thereby recognizing the contributions of women in all activities throughout the province; Honoring typical examples in the emulation movement “”Building the Women of Lang Son in a new era”.

Launching marches to propagate and communicate about gender equality and preventing gender-based violence

Immediately after the launching and praising ceremony, the Provincial Committee for the Advancement of Women organized a launching ceremony for a media parade on gender equality and gender-based violence prevention on some main streets of Lang Son city.