Friday,  09/20/2024

Talks on border work

On December 18, in Pingxiang City, China, The Border Guard delegation of Lang Son province led by Colonel Ninh Van Hop, Commander of the Provincial Border Guard Command, held talks with the Border Guard delegation of Guangxi region, China.

The heads of the two delegations signed the minutes of talks

 At the talks, the two sides agreed to evaluate that in recent times, the coordination, management and border protection work has achieved many positive results; maintain good communication mechanisms, exchange situations, and effectively resolve incidents arising on the border in accordance with the Agreement on border management regulations; proactively advise authorities at all levels on both sides to strengthen friendly cooperation and promptly resolve border incidents; supervised the construction of border projects; border clearing activities in accordance with the order of the Joint Committee and relevant regulations. In particular, the Border Guard of the two sides has closely coordinated in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, contribute to repelling pandemics, facilitating economic and social development, exchange and cooperation between Lang Son and Guangxi.

Overview of the talks

In the coming time, the two sides agreed to continue to thoroughly grasp and seriously implement the three legal documents on the border; maintain the mechanism of talks at the provincial – zone level, station – border station level of the two sides and continue to coordinate joint patrols, cultural and sports exchanges; exchange situations and cooperate in implementing border management and protection activities, fighting against crime, illegal entry and exit, smuggling, and maintaining security and order in border areas; pay attention to restarting the activities and working methods of Border Representatives in section 7 according to the provisions of the Agreement on Border Management Regulations; join hand to build a border between the two countries of peace, friendship, stability and development.