Friday,  09/20/2024

The Red Spring Festival – Red Sunday in 2024 receives nearly 1,000 units of blood

On the morning of January 18, the Steering Committee of the Provincial Voluntary Blood Donation coordinated with the Provincial Red Cross Society, Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Provincial Youth Union, Tien Phong Newspaper in Lang Son to organize the Red Spring Festival – Red Sunday 2024.

The leader of the Provincial Red Cross Society speaks at the event

Attending the festival were leaders of departments, commissions, sectors of the province and nearly 1,000 volunteers who are officials, civil servants, public employees, workers and people from all walks of life.

Speaking at the opening, the leader of the Provincial Red Cross Society emphasized: “The Red Spring Festival – Red Sunday 2024 is organized by the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion in coordination with Tien Phong Newspaper and the National Traffic Safety Committee in 45 provinces and cities nationwide. With the theme “Donating blood to save lives – Your life and mine” and “Donating blood in the Spring – Multiplying happiness”, the Red Spring Festival – Red Sunday 2024 lasts for 2 months, from January 11 until March 10, 2024. In 2024, Lang Son province coordinates with Tien Phong Newspaper in Lang Son to organize the Red Spring Festival – Red Sunday for the 7th consecutive year. This is one of the meaningful activities, demonstrating the responsibility of officials, civil servants, public employees, workers and people of all walks of life in the province towards the community. Thereby, it helps promoting the growing voluntary blood donation movement.

The representative of Tien Phong Newspaper in Lang Son presents souvenir cups to accompanying units at the event

At the program, the representative of Tien Phong Newspaper in Lang Son presented souvenir cups to accompanying units at the event

Volunteers participate in donating blood at the festival

Delegates visit and encourage volunteers donating blood at the festival

After the opening ceremony, nearly 1,000 volunteers took in blood tests and 864 of them eligible to donate blood, equivalent to 864 units of blood (up 83 units of blood compared to the event last year).

On this occasion, the festival’s organizing committee honored 6 youth union members, young people and volunteers with outstanding achievements in the province’s voluntary blood donation movement. At the same time, the festival organizing committee presented 10 gifts to disadvantaged students of the Vocational – Continuing Education Center of Cao Loc district.

Sponsors honor youth union members, young people and volunteers with outstanding achievements in the province’s voluntary blood donation movement

The leader of the Provincial Red Cross Society and sponsors present gifts to students with difficult circumstances at the festival