Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son reviews external information work in 2019, launches tasks in 2020

(LSO) – The provincial steering committee for external information work held a conference on February 7 to review its performance in 2019 and launch tasks in 2020.

Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People’s Council and head of the steering committee Hoang Van Nghiem attended the event.

The conference agreed that the steering committee had fulfilled its tasks in 2019, advising the provincial Party Committee’s standing board in leading and directing external information work, including communication activities on the sea, island and border and territorial management in the province, in combination with educational campaigns to raise awareness of officials, Party members and local people about the ploys and tricks of hostile forces and political opportunistic groups. The province’s external information work also contributed to promoting and popularizing the natural beauty, culture and people of Vietnam in general and Lang Son province in particular in the international community.

Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People’s Council Hoang Van Nghiem addresses the conference

Delegates also analysed the shortcomings and limitations in the work with a view to drawing lessons from them and doing the work better in 2020.

Addressing the conference, Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Hoang Van Nghiem commended the steering committee for the outcomes of its work in 2019.

He stressed that there will be many major events of the country and the province during 2020 in the context of many complicated fluctuations in the political and economic situation in the world. Therefore, Party committees and administrations at all levels should continue to focus efforts on external information work in line with the Party’s viewpoints and policies and the State’s laws in the field.

The official also required Party committees and administrations at all levels to keep up to date with public opinions, especially in key areas and border localities, about issues related to external relations and external information.

Delegates at the conference

At the same time, he instructed enhancing protection of internal politics, the Party and the political system, while continuing to renew the content and methods of communication activities. The press and media agencies were asked to play a greater role in external information work, and intensify the fight against untrue and distorted information.

Nghiem also urged the promotion of people-to-people and cultural diplomacy and the popularization of Vietnam in general and Lang Son province in particular. He asked for more attention to the training and capacity building of personnel involved in external information work.