Friday,  09/20/2024

Summarizing 20 years of implementing the movement “All people unite to build cultural life”

(LSO) – On October 22, the Provincial People’s Committee held the conference to summarize 20 years of implementing the movement “All people unite to build cultural life” for the 2000-2020 period and five years of implementing Directive 09-CT/TU of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee dated October 17, 2016 on continuing to strengthen the movement “All people unite to build cultural life” in the  2016 – 2020 period.

Attending the conference were Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for the Movement “All people unite to build cultural life”; leaders of provincial departments, committees, agencies, unions, District and City People’s Committees and so on.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council delivered a speech and directed the conference

According to the report on the results of implementing the movement “All people unite to build cultural life” in the 2000-2020 period, over 20 years of implementing the movement and five years of implementing Directive 09-CT/TU, all levels of Party committees, authorities, unions have been making many efforts to organize the implementation of the movement in the whole province to a deep and broad extent.

The movement has been enhanced in terms of quality and depth, continues to affirm the its characteristic of being all-people, comprehensive and achieved many encouraging results. Up to now, the rate of cultural families has reached 78.4% (an increase of 54.9% compared to 2000); the rate of cultural villages and cultural street blocks has been 70.2% (an increase of 59.2%); the rate of cultural agencies and units has been 94.4% (an increase of 82.2%) and so forth.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee of the Movement “All people unite to build cultural life” spoke at the conference

At the conference, representatives of outstanding agencies, units, collectives and individuals made presentations to share their experiences and solutions to improve the quality of the movement “All people unite to build cultural life”.

Speaking at the conference, the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee acknowledged and highly appreciated the achieved results in the movement “All people unite to build cultural life” in recent years.

He proposed that the Party committees, authorities, Fatherland Front Committees and socio-political organizations, sectors from the province to the grassroots level continue to thoroughly grasp and implement Resolution No.33-NQ/TW of the 9th Conference of the 11th Central Committee Party dated June 9, 2014 on “Constructing and developing Vietnamese culture and people to meet the requirements of the national sustainable development”; enhance the leadership, direction and inspection of the Party Committees at all levels, improve the management capacity of the authorities at all levels and the coordination of committees, agencies and unions in the effective implementation of programs, plans and goals. Along with that, it helps strengthen, consolidate and improve the operational efficiency of the steering committees at all levels, proactively advise the province on positive, appropriate and practical solutions to implement the movement in the new period.

The leader of the Provincial People’s Committee awarded certificates of merit from Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee to collectives with outstanding achievements

Agencies, committees, sectors, unions, socio-political organizations are required to continue to coordinate closely in propagating about five contents, seven movements of the movement “All people unite to build cultural life”; step up the construction of cultural life in communes, wards and townships, creating strong and steady changes in constructing and implementing a cultural lifestyle in weddings, funerals, festivals, and repulsing negative, social evils. Besides, it is necessary to focus on well implementing socialization, promoting the proactive and creative role of the people in building cultural life at the grassroots level; have the form of periodically praising and honoring typical and excellent collectives and individuals in communities.

In the program, 69 collectives, individuals and families received certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for their outstanding achievements in implementing the movement “All people unite to build cultural life” in the 2000-2020 period.