Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son’s Youth Union: Organizing cultural activities at Ky Lua Walking Street

(LSO) – In recent months Ky Lua Walking Street had many rich-cultural and attractive activities leaving many good impressions on visitors. Many of these activities were carried out by Lang Son’s Youth Union.

Ky Lua Walking Street, Lang Son City, was officially put into operation on October 16, 2020. Since opening, every Friday or Saturday night, Ky Lua Walking Street attracts between 4,000 and 7,000 arrivals, making a total estimated number of 90,000 arrivals. Along with local authorities, branches  and units at all levels in the city, as a member of the Ky Lua Pedestrian Street Management Board, Lang Son’s Youth Union actively advised the Ky Lua Pedestrian Street Management Board to organize many meaningful activities.

Mr. Luong Thanh Chung, Deputy Secretary of the Lang Son’s Youth Union said that Lang Son’s Youth Union had mobilized manpower to perform assigned tasks at Ky Lua Walking Street such as consulting with the management board about the organization of cultural festivals, removing advertisements panelsl organizing cultural activities, folk games  based on chosen themes and topics on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Young people of Lang Son city and tourists playing traditional games “lay co-say and count” at Ky Lua Walking Street

After consulting and receiving the direction to complete the tasks, Lang Son’s Youth Union immediately took actions to fulfill the assigned tasks. From October 2020 up to now, the Youth Union has sent members to remove illegal advertisement panels, decorate electric poles and electrical cabinets with a total area of ​​124 m2 using the budget of more than 46 million VND. Every week, the union provide information of  cultural activities at the pedestrian street on  social networks  such as Zalo and Face book.

The Youth Union actively contacted with groups of artists in the province to encourage their participation. Along with that, it researched and collected folk games which could be organized at the pedestrian street. From October 2020, Lang Son Youth Union has organized 64 programs with the following performances: folk dance, sports dance, stall dance, lion dance performance, lion dance, dragon dance musical instrument performance, folk song performance of “then, sli, luon” attracting a large number of clubs to participate in the performance such as Hoa Dang Club, Green Star, Hoang Van Thu High School Youth Union, Viet Bac High School Youth Union. Folk games such as traditional board games “o an quan”, collecting sticks, jumping rope, walking on stilts … all attracted a lot of children, young people and tourists to participate.

Mr. Phung Duc Huy, a tourist from Long Bien, Hanoi, said that he was was fascinated by the street performances on Ky Lua walking street such as folk song performances of then, sli and folk games such as “lay co-say and count”, lion dancing and cat chasing.  These activities helped me to understand  more about the unique culture of Lang Son.

In order to organize these activities in a variety of ways, the Youth Union mobilized and promoted the sense of responsibility of Youth Union members and the 8 communes and wards in the whole city. Each program is always arranged in spacious areas and differently to attract tourists’ attention.

Ms. Vu Thuy Lien, Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union of Hoang Van Thu High School said that school delegation actively participated in folk dance and modern dance since the first days of Ky Lua Walking Street. They organized successfully many dance performances with the participation of hundreds of youth union members. She thought that performing at the pedestrian street not only contributed to beautify the image of Lang Son city in the eyes of tourists, but also helped her students have the opportunity to show their talents and train their cultural behaviors in public  places.

In the coming time, Lang Son City’s Youth Union will continue to have appropriate solutions to carry out activities at Ky Lua pedestrian street in order to continue to promote the unique cultural features of Lang Son, and at the same time organize  useful and exciting activities for the youth of Lang Son city.