Friday,  09/20/2024

Building and implementing village conventions and regulations associated with life

– In order to bring the contents of village conventions and regulations into life, in line with the current socio-economic development situation, over the past time, all levels and agencies in the province have focused on building and implementing village conventions and regulations in many effective ways. In which, it strongly promotes the role of each citizen, each residential community and so on.

In order to promote the value of village conventions and regulations, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee have directed all levels and agencies to pay more attention to the construction and implementation of village conventions and regulations. In particular, on March 31, 2016, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee issued Directive No.03-CT/TU on “Strengthening the Party’s leadership in the work of building and implementing village conventions and conventions in areas, street blocks in the new situation”.

On that basis, the Provincial People’s Committee has directed the culture, sports and tourism sector to guide localities to step up the construction and implementation of village conventions and regulations. Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said that the Department has coordinated with the People’s Committees of districts and the city to inspect, review, amend, supplement, replace and newly build village conventions and regulations to ensure that they are suitable with the actual situation of the locality and current regulations.

The drafting committee of village conventions and regulations in Street Block 1, Tam Thanh ward, Lang Son city discussed the content of the convention and regulation of the street block after the merger

In the 2018 – 2020 period, implementing the arrangement of administrative units at commune and village levels, street blocks, authorities at all levels have directed to conduct inspection and review of all village conventions and regulations; submit to the competent authority for decision to amend, supplement or replace 1,819 out of 1,850  village conventions and regulations which are unsuitable. From 2016 up to now, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has coordinated with relevant units, districts and the city to organize 15 professional training courses and integrate instructions on knowledge and professional skills in formulating and implementing village conventions and regulations for thousands of trainees who are leaders and specialists of culture and information divisions in districts and the city; leaders of People’s Committees of wards and communes, grassroots cultural officials. Simultaneously nearly 12,000 books of village conventions and regulations have been printed and distributed to grassroots levels.

In addition, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has selected a number of points, residential areas in the districts and the city to support the pilot implementation on the construction and implementation of village conventions and regulations with specific contents such as guidance, inspection, consulting, commenting on the form and content of village conventions and regulations and so on. Accordingly, many localities have taken the initiative in amending and supplementing the contents of village conventions and regulations. Lang Son city is a typical example. Mrs. Pham Thi Thuan, Deputy Head of the City Culture and Information Division said that in addition to completing the pilot construction village conventions and regulations in Hoang Thuong village, Hoang Dong commune and Street Block 3, Tam Thanh ward, they have also finished amending and supplementing village conventions and regulations in 87/87 villages and street blocks. After being appraised and commented by professional agencies, village conventions and regulations were basically revised to be concise, easy to understand and more suitable to the conditions of grassroots.

Village conventions and regulations have specific provisions such as implementation of criteria in new-style rural building, criteria on building a cultural family, a cultural residential area, a civilized lifestyle in marriage, funeral and so on. With a new village convention and regulation, people’s consciousness in new-style rural building, building a cultural and civilized lifestyle has many positive changes. Street Block I, Tam Thanh ward, Lang Son city is one of the prominent areas in the implementation of village conventions and regulations. Mrs. Nong Thi Thu Huong, resident of Street Block I, Tam Thanh ward, Lang Son city said that they are directly involved in contributing ideas on the amendment of the village conventions and regulations. In addition to general regulations, they have added a number of regulations that are close to reality such as prohibiting the construction of places for events encroaching on roadways and sidewalks, implementing a civilized lifestyle in weddings, funerals, etc. When there is a new village convention and regulation, every citizen raises their awareness in building a civilized street block.

Not only Lang Son city, Huu Lung district is also an area that has well implemented the construction of village conventions and regulations with 203/203 villages and street blocks in the district that have newly approved village conventions and regulations. There are many village conventions and regulations that have been effective. For example, the village convention of Hong Ket village, Cai Kinh commune, Huu Lung district. Mr. Nguyen Van Ngoc, Head of Hong Ket village, Cai Kinh commune said that his village’s new convention consists of eight chapters and 27 articles. In 2021, when the village was selected to build a model residential area, the role of village conventions and regulations has been effective in arousing the initiative and voluntariness of local people for the common work of the village and commune. In recent years, the rate of cultural families in the village has reached over 96%. In particular, they have raised hundreds of millions of dong to build new rural areas.

With a variety of propaganda forms, by the end of 2020, ten districts and the city completed the construction, amendment and supplementation of piloted village conventions and regulations. In particular, up to now, the whole province has had nearly 400 village conventions and regulations revised, supplemented and replaced. Party committees, authorities, Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, union members, association members and People have been fully and deeply aware of the importance of building and implementing village conventions and regulations in social life.