Friday,  09/20/2024

Passing on the passion of preserving the then heritage to younger generation

– In order to preserve, promote and honor the unique values ​​of then melody, over the past time, all levels and sectors in the province have carried out many practical activities to encourage and pass on the enthusiasm of keeping the then heritage to the young generation.

Mr. Phan Van Hoa, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: “In recent years, in order to preserve and promote then heritage values, the sector has carried out many activities such as inventory, collection, audio recording and video recording of materials performed by elderly then artisans. Along with that, the sector has organized activities to honor and reward artisans; establish clubs singing then – Dan; coordinate with the education and training sector to bring the then heritage into schools…”

Typically, from 2017 to now, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has cooperated with the Provincial Folk Song Conservation Association to mobilize and encourage localities with a large number of Tay ethnic minorities to establish then – dan tinh singing clubs associated with teaching for the younger generation the art of music, singing, dancing and performing then. Up to now, the whole province has developed over 50 folk singing clubs, of which 90% of the clubs preserve and promote the then and dan tinh songs, attracting nearly 1,000 members to participate in. Thereby, clubs and establishments has opened more than 100 classes to teach then singing, playing dan tinh, attracting thousands of students, most of which come from the locality. Some clubs attract a large number of young members, such as Star Anise Club (Van Quan district) with 78 children; Diep Sli Then (Cao Loc district) with 13 children…

Outstanding artisan Ha Thi Mai Ven, Diep Sli Then Club, Thuy Hung commune, Cao Loc district instructs young members of the club to practice dan tinh, singing then

Outstanding artistan Ha Thi Mai Ven, President of Diep Sli Then Club, Thuy Hung commune, Cao Loc district said: “During the operation, club members participate in teaching then singing and playing dan tinh to students at primary schools. Besides, we also teach folk songs for free to children in the area, so many of them are passionate and love the then melody and playing dan tinh.”

Along with the cultural sector, over the past time, the education and training sector has put the then heritage into teaching in extracurricular lessons and activities at schools. Up to now, the whole province has 23 schools at 3 levels of education that have been teaching and establishing then and dan tinh clubs, attracting over 400 students, up 60% compared to 2018. There are 5 clubs in Huu Lung district, 4 clubs in Trang Dinh district, 3 clubs in Cao Loc district, 2 clubs in Van Quan district…

At the Ethnic Minority Boarding Secondary – High School in Van Quan district, from 2019 to now, the school has implemented the then singing heritage education through activities such as integrating in optional classes, collective activities or extracurricular activities; opened 3 classes to teach then singing, playing dan tinh, and established a then singing club with 78 students… Up to now, all the children participating in the club know how to sing then and playing dan tinh. Trieu Tuan Minh, class 7A, school year 2020 – 2021 of the school said: “After class, my joy is to join the then singing class. Holding a dan tinh in my hand, wearing a traditional costume, I loves and appreciates the cultural values ​​of my nation.

A session of singing then, dan tinh at Green Star Anise Club, Ethnic Minority Boarding Secondary & High School in Van Quan District

Sharing about the direction of then heritage conservation in schools, Ms. Tran Thi Hai Yen, Head of Continuing Education and Professional Education Division, Department of Education and Training said: “In the coming time, we will continue to advise the department’s leaders to direct and encourage schools, based on the actual situation, to set up clubs for singing then, dan tinh; to strengthen the organization of contests and art shows with then singing and dan tinh performances; to create favorable conditions for the then singing and dan tinh clubs of the schools to exchange and learn from each other.”

It can be seen that the education and teaching of the beauties of the heritage to the younger generation is a suitable direction for practice, thereby, it increasingly contributes to fostering the young generation’s soul and further preserving the then heritage in Xu Lang.