Friday,  09/20/2024

Consultation on the dossier on the task of building the National Target Program on the revitalization and development of Vietnamese culture in the period 2026 – 2030

On the afternoon of July 21, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MoCST) held an online seminar to be consulted about the dossier on the task of “Building a National Target Program on the revitalization and development of Vietnamese culture  and people in the period 2026 – 2030, with a vision to 2045” (referred to as the Program). Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Doan Van Viet chaired the seminar.

The leader of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism speaks at the seminar

Attending the seminar in Lang Son province were leaders of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the leader of the Propaganda and Education Commission of Provincial Party Committee, a number of departments and sectors of the province.

According to the draft of the MoCST, the Program is implemented nationwide and in some countries with long-term cultural relations with Vietnam. The Program focuses on activities in specific cultural and artistic fields, including cultural heritage; basic culture; arts performance; fine arts, photography and exhibitions; film; library; training; native culture; foreign culture; cultural industry…

The objective of the Program is to mobilize investment resources and complete institutions to create a fundamental change and a strong and sustainable development of Vietnamese culture and people; cultural revitalization and development, making culture truly become a solid spiritual foundation of society… The Ministry has developed the Program with 9 project groups closely following 9 groups of key cultural tasks and contents, including developing Vietnamese cultural personality; building a healthy cultural environment with the focus on building cultural life, synchronously and effectively developing and managing in cultural frastructure systems, institutions and spaces; improving the effectiveness of information dissemination and cultural education; preserving and promoting national cultural heritage values; promoting the development of literature and art; cultural industry development; cultural human resource development; international integration, absorbing the quintessence of human culture.

Speaking at the seminar, leaders of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lang Son province affirmed: “Over the past time, Lang Son province has always paid attention to implementing the national target program on culture in the period 2011 – 2015 and period 2016 – 2020. We also proposed some opinions focusing on the contents of 9 task groups in the draft Program such as the Ministry should pay attention to devoting more resources to tangible and intangible cultural heritages; supporting mountainous ethnic art troupes; promoting digital transformation in the library system from central to local levels… In addition, the department also advised the Provincial People’s Committee to issue Official Letter No. 619/UBND-KGVX dated May 25, 2023 on contributing ideas to edit and supplement a number of contents in the draft program.”

At the seminar, delegates from a number of ministries, branches and localities also discussed and exchanged many issues related to the Program, focusing on a number of key contents such as the need to invest in the Program; modifying the Program’s name; assessing the current situation and urgent issues that need to be resolved; the appropriateness of the scale of the 9 project groups and comments on the organization as well as the obstacles in the implementation of the National Target Program… The comments will be synthesized and researched by the MoCST and the draft will be finalized and soon to be submited to the Prime Minister for consideration and promulgation.