Friday,  09/20/2024

Trang Dinh district: Exciting activities towards the anniversary of That Khe liberation

In the last days of September and early October, the Party Committee, government and people in Trang Dinh district have been enthusiastically organizing activities towards the 73rd anniversary of That Khe Liberation (October 10, 1950 – October 10, 2023) and  the victory of the 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign.

Athletes participate in the mountain running race to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the liberation of That Khe (October 10, 1950 – October 10, 2023) – Photo: DINH QUANG

On September 15, 2023, Trang Dinh District People’s Committee issued Plan No. 3288/KH-UBND on organizing activities to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of That Khe Liberation (October 10, 1950 – October 10, 2023) and  the victory of the 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign. Currently, party committees, authorities, and socio-political organizations in the area have been focusing on promoting propaganda and implementing assigned tasks, ensuring that cultural, artistic and sports activities are carried out as planned, creating a vibrant and exciting atmosphere towards the anniversary.

Promoting propaganda

Towards this important event, commemorative information and propaganda activities receive special attention from the district. In particular, the district focused on propagandizing socio-economic achievements and the district’s future orientations, goals, and solutions; propagated activities and programs that will take place during the anniversary. At the same time, the district launched movements to emulate production labor, socio-economic development, and ensure security and defense in the district.

Right from the first days of September, propaganda work to celebrate the liberation of That Khe and the 1950 Border victory was implemented. Accordingly, the district Center for Culture, Sports and Communications has actively propagated the plan to organize welcoming activities on the district’s website, speakers and on social networks such as Facebook, Zalo…

Mr. Doan Minh Dung, Deputy Director of the District Center for Culture, Sports and Communications said: Immediately after the district plan is issued, with assigned functions and tasks, we have focused on reflecting and propagating activities to celebrate the anniversary of That Khe liberation and the victory of the 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign on the district’s mass media; thoroughly ensured that the center’s staff and employees actively spread and share information about activities towards the anniversary on news sites and social networks to a large number of friends, readers, and radio listeners inside and outside the district.

Along with implementing articles and spreading information on news sites and social networks, these days propaganda work is being promoted. Specifically, from October 5 to 20, agencies and families in the district will hang the national flag. On the national highways, provincial roads, and town center areas, panels, banners, and slogans celebrating the 73rd anniversary of That Khe Liberation Day and the 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign have been hanged; placing banana flags at relic sites on Road No. 4…

It can be said that these days, That Khe town seems to be wearing a new shirt, all the roads are colorful with flags, flowers, banners, slogans, creating an exciting and vibrant atmosphere towards the liberation anniversary.

Tran Hung Dao Temple Festival (Goc Sung Temple) – one of the activities to celebrate the liberation of That Khe and the victory of 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign.

Diversity of activities

According to the plan, to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of That Khe liberation and the 1950 Fall-Winter border victory, the District People’s Committee has built a series of welcoming activities from September 29 to October 10.

Accordingly, activities taking place before the anniversary include: organizing the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Tran Hung Dao temple festival; organizing tennis, badminton, and mountain running tournaments. Implementing the plan, units, notably the People’s Committee of That Khe town, proactively prepared conditions and organized activities according to the set schedule.

Mr. Vuong Van Cong, Chairman of That Khe Town People’s Committee, said: The day of That Khe liberation and the victory of the 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign is a pride for the people of That Khe town in particular and Trang Dinh district in general. Therefore, following the instructions of our superiors, recently, we have organized activities to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of That Khe Liberation Day and the victory of the 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign such as: organizing the Mid-Autumn Festival at schools, neighborhoods, agencies and units in the town; organizing the Tran Temple Festival (Goc Sung Temple) on October 1, which is the 17th day of the 8th lunar month… At the same time, many streets in the town are also decorated to celebrate the anniversary, notably Phai Dai street.

On the anniversary of That Khe liberation and the victory of 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign (October 10), main activities will take place such as: reviewing the history of That Khe liberation day; organizing a festival of roasted duck and That Khe cuisine’s quintessence; exchange folk songs and folk dances.

The festival promoting the quintessence of roasted duck and That Khe cuisine is one of the unique activities, receiving the anticipation and positive response of a large number of people. Currently, units and facility owners have registered booths to display and introduce typical products of That Khe such as roasted duck, roasted pig, khao cake, phong cake, khau sli cake, bao thai rice, black jelly, cinnamon, star anise…

Mrs. Doan Bich Khe, area 3, That Khe town said: Every year, on October 10, we are all eager to participate in events commemorating liberation day. It is known that this year there will be many exciting and exciting activities, many stalls participating in introducing culinary products, so we also invite friends and relatives to come and enjoy and experience. I am very excited and happy that every year, That Khe town in particular and my hometown of Trang Dinh are increasingly changing and life is developing.

Along with the above activities, party committees, authorities, and socio-political organizations in the district have also been organizing a series of gratitude activities for people with meritorious services and policy families, implementing meaningful and practical work towards the anniversary.

Mr. Hoang Anh Dung, Standing Deputy Secretary of Trang Dinh District Party Committee said: Every year, the District Party Committee’s Standing Committee always pays attention to and directs the solemn and meaningful organization of holidays and events, including activities commemorating That Khe Liberation Day and the victory of the 1950 Autumn Winter Border Campaign. This year, all levels and sectors in the district organize diverse and attractive activities towards the anniversary. Activities have been taking place, creating a vibrant and exciting atmosphere in the Party, government and people. Through this, we aim to educate revolutionary traditions, promote the image of That Khe district and people in particular, and Trang Dinh district in general to tourists and friends, contribute to connecting product consumption, promoting production and business in the area.

The above activities have been contributing to widespread propaganda among the people about the meaning and importance of the important political event of the district. At the same time, it created a joyful and exciting atmosphere so that people in the area can be more proud of their homeland traditions in the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland, especially the achievements in the renovation process, proud of the unique cultural values of the land and people of Trang Dinh.