Friday,  09/20/2024

Linking for consumption of agricultural products: Creating stable output

– Over the past time, with the attention and efforts of all levels and functional branches in the province, the agricultural sector has made significant progress. In particular, the link of agricultural products consumption is formed, in accordance with the production conditions of each are, contributing to creating output. The G.O.C Bac Giang Export Food Processing Joint Stock Company processes bamboo shoots into different types of products including sour bamboo shoots, chili bamboo shoots … Since associating with cooperatives, its product is stable for agricultural products.

In 2012, Bat Do bamboo shoots were planted a lot by people in Huu Lung district, but the consumption market was still difficult. Stemming from that fact, in 2015, Quyet Thang Commune Agricultural Service Supply and Production Cooperative was established and coordinated with local people to purchase and preliminary process Bat Do bamboo shoots. In particular, in 2017, the cooperative linked Bat Do bamboo shoots to stable consumption, the selling price ranged from 8,000 to 12,000 VND/kg, more than 2,000 VND/kg higher than that in the market.

Mr. Trieu Van Quynh, Director of the Cooperative said: “Every year, we associate with 76 households growing bamboo shoots. Accordingly, the cooperative provides the varieties of bamboo shoots, instructs the farmers to grow and take care of bamboo shoots according to VietGAP standards and to ensure output for all of the bamboo shoots of the farmers with an area of ​​nearly 30 hectares. On average, within a year, the cooperative buys over 20 tons of Bat Do bamboo shoots. This association not only provides cooperative raw materials for processing, but also ensures a stable source of income for bamboo shooters in the area.”

A member of Agricultural Service Supply and Production Cooperative in Quyet Thang Commune (Huu Lung District) preliminary processing of Bat Do bamboo shoots

Mr. Luong Van Binh, Deputy Head of Agriculture and Rural Development Division of Huu Lung district said: “In order to form and develop linkage in agricultural production, from 2016, on average, the district annually has extracted 40% of the agricultural career budget to support the production link model, promote the 4-side linkage model. Up to now, the district has formed 3 production chains for Bat Do bamboo shoots, potatoes and J02 Japanese rice …

Not only in Huu Lung district, implementing Program No. 22/CTr-UBND dated July 15, 2016 on the Program of agricultural restructuring associated with new rural development in Lang Son province period 2016 – 2020, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, districts and city have focused on encouraging t businesses, cooperatives, people to link production and consume products. By the end of 2020, the province has 20 businesses and 58 cooperatives involved in association with farmer households consuming products through linkage contracts…

At the same time, the participation in the association of production and product consumption of enterprises is also increasingly developing, especially the participation of some companies including Thai Binh Tea Joint Stock Company purchased, processed and covered the output for tea growers (Dinh Lap district); G.O.C Export Food Processing Joint Stock Company covered the output for cucumber, baby corn, cherry tomatoes, Bat Do bamboo shoots (Huu Lung district); Dai Nguyen Lang Son Joint Stock Company associated for potato consumption in districts of Cao Loc, Loc Binh…

In the Winter-Spring crop of 2020 – 2021, Dai Nguyen Lang Son Joint Stock Company associated the production and consumption of potato products in communes in Cao Loc district, contributing to creating stable output for the people. Mr. Vi Van Hung, Na Ram village, Xuat Le commune, Cao Loc district said: “Every Winter – Spring crop, my family grows about 2160m2 of potatoes, previously when there was no association with any companies, I myself have to looking for places to consume. There were years when traders did not come to buy, products that couldn’t be sold were spoiled. In 2020, when the connection with the company was formed, products were purchased 100%, our people were very pleased. In 2020, my family collected 15 quintals of potatoes with the price of 5,000-8,000 VND/kg depending on each type, earning nearly 10 million VND.

According to the assessment of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, production in the form of association for product consumption has created a stable output for agricultural products, expanded scale, increased production value. Specifically, the production value of the crop field in 2020 reached 6,300 billion VND, an increase of 1.2 times compared to 2016, the average income per cultivated hectare increased from 47.35 million VND /ha (in 2016) to 60.51 million VND/ha (in 2020). At the same time, it creates changes in people’s awareness of safe agricultural product production, contributing to the formation of a safe food supply chain. Currently, the province has 7 certified safe food supply chains.

So as to continue promoting the association for consumption of agricultural products, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has advised and built a draft project “Renewing the form of production, associated with chain of production and consumption of products, branding in the agricultural and forestry sector in the period 2021 – 2025, with an orientation to 2030” to submit to the Provincial People’s Committee for approval. Accordingly, the goal in the period of 2021 – 2025 is to establish 25 chains to link agricultural and forestry production and consumption for key products of the province, in which to strive to have over 40 enterprises and cooperatives participating in the association; 100% of products are sold through associated contracts. Total product of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the province would reach 15,000-17,000 billion VND by 2025, up about 3,000-5,000 billion VND compared to 2020.