Friday,  09/20/2024

Solving and overcoming problems in the implementation of the digital border gate platform

– On the morning of March 8, the Joint working group in directing the pilot implementation of the digital border gate platform at Huu Nghi International Border Gate and Tan Thanh Border Gate led by Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected the pilot implementation of the digital border gate platform at these border gates; Participating in the delegation were Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Working Group; leaders of relevant departments, sectors and units.

Developing digital border gates is one of the five pillars of the province’s digital transformation. Implementing Plan No. 150, dated July 2, 2021 of the Provincial People’s Committee on pilot implementation comprehensive digital transformation at border gates Huu Nghi and Tan Thanh, from the beginning of July 2021, Department of Information and Communications has presided over and coordinated with relevant units to organize the installation of infrastructure, software, training, propaganda… to pilot the digital border gate platform.

Leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee inspect the application of the digital border gate platform in border guard operations

After a period of preparation and pilot implementation, from February 21, 2022, under the direction of leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, 100% of import and export businesses and customs agents must declare information online on the digital border gate platform before the vehicle arrives at the border gates: Huu Nghi, Tan Thanh.

According to the report at the inspection, in the first days of implementation, every day, about 400 people at Huu Nghi International Border Gate and 200 people at Tan Thanh Border Gate access and register for an account to declare information on the digital border gate platform, leading to server being overloaded, local network congestion; the software has at times failed; The information in the software are not really correct, compatible with the tasks of specialized agencies at the border gate…

Those arising problems were quickly handled by relevant agencies. As a result, from February 21, 2022 to March 7, 2022, 100% of import-export businesses and customs agents have declared online on the digital border gate platform with the number of nearly 7,000 import-export vehicles passing through the Huu Nghi International Border Gate and over 1,300 import-export vehicles through Tan Thanh Border Gate.

Speaking at the inspection, representatives of relevant agencies and units affirmed the advantages and utilities that the digital border gate platform brings. If in the beginning, it took businesses 15 to 30 minutes to declare information, now, the time has been reduced to only 2 to 5 minutes; The software works relatively stably, the basic local network congestion problems are solved…

However, this is a new and unprecedented problem, so in the implementation process, there are still some problems arising such as: some businesses have not yet mastered it, entered the wrong domain name, and declared wrong information; the camera has not recognized the Chinese license plate; the integration of specialized data of related units on the platform is still limited; some functions of the units involved in the procedure have not been integrated; difficulties in collecting taxes and fees…

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, delivered the conclusion of the inspection

Speaking at the conclusion of the inspection, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the efforts and determination of relevant agencies, units and forces in implementing the digital border gate platform.

He emphasized: Digital transformation, including the deployment of a digital border gate platform, is an inevitable trend. The implementation must achieve the objectives serving the management, direction and administration of the province; ensure transparency; do not generate costs and administrative procedures; create the most favorable conditions for people and businesses in the process of carrying out import and export procedures.

In order to well implement those goals and thoroughly overcome the problems as soon as possible, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee directed The Department of Information and Communications to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant sectors and units, to continue promoting information, propaganda and training on the digital border gate platform to people and businesses; synthesize difficulties and obstacles and develop specific and detailed plans to overcome; In the immediate future, it is necessary to immediately overcome problems in terms of technical infrastructure and facilities serving the implementation of the digital border gate platform.

Along with that, he directed relevant units to continue to perfect the software, integrate specialized information into the digital border gate platform, but must ensure decentralization, reasonable decentralization, and information security; coordinate more closely in order to quickly, promptly and thoroughly handle arising problems and incidents.