Friday,  09/20/2024

Meeting to evaluate the progress of key projects in the first 6 months of the year and remove difficulties and obstacles for site clearance in June

On July 15, Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for the implementation of key projects chaired a thematic meeting to evaluate the progress of site clearance of key projects and consider and solve difficulties and problems in site clearance work in the districts and citiy (June 2022); review the implementation of key projects in the second quarter, key tasks and solutions in the third quarter of 2022.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a speech concluding the meeting

According to the report of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, in June, 11/11 districts and city sent reports on the implementation of site clearance for projects in general and key projects in particular. Through the review, 2/11 units reported arising problems in site clearance in 5 projects; in which, Lang Son city has problems in 4 projects and Loc Binh district has problems with 1 project.

The content of problems asking for direction from the Provincial People’s Committee is mainly related to providing other support for cases of land acquisition and cases of land recovery who voluntarily built houses on agricultural land from July 1, 2014, the recovered land area is entitled to the following supports such as vocational  training support, job search, other support to stabilize life and production according to regulations.

Regarding the implementation of key projects in the second quarter of 2022, by the beginning of July 2022, out of 23 key projects in the province, there were 8 basic projects meeting the schedule, 15 projects behind the schedule approved by the Provincial People’s Committee.

Discussing at the meeting, representatives of investors, People’s Committees of districts and city raised a number of difficulties and obstacles in the process of implementing key projects, especially projects using non-budget capital such as: investors are slow to arrange funds for site clearance; a number of new projects started the work of measuring land use area, reviewing rice land use in slow implementation projects.

The members of the Provincial Key Project Steering Committee suggested that the investors implementing the projects urgently complete investment procedures to start new projects in the third quarter, at the same time, urgently disburse the planned capital allocated at the beginning of the year. For projects using capital outside the state budget, investors are requested to allocate enough capital for the districts and city to disburse and pay for site clearance to affected households.

Regarding the problems in site clearance for 5 projects in Lang Son city and Loc Binh district, functional departments and sectors proposed the People’s Committees of districts and city to supplement information and clarify the legal basis for each case. After discussing, representatives of departments and sectors agreed with the solution proposed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Concluding at the meeting, Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged the efforts of the investors, having overcome difficulties in implementing key projects, however, the site clearance of key projects in June was slower than in May 2022, some non-budget project investors have not been drastic in implementing projects as planned.

Regarding the tasks in the coming time, for 5 projects using public investment capital, he suggested investors focus on speeding up construction to complete disbursement of the assigned capital plan in 2022. For projects using non-budget capital, he requested the competent authorities to uphold the sense of responsibility to coordinate with the People’s Committees of the districts, investors urgently review the area of rice land as well as review all documents and procedures from project formulation, basic design, bidding… to ensure compliance with the law.

In addition, project investors using non-budget capital shall allocate enough capital to promptly pay affected households in order to speed up project site clearance. During the implementation of projects, if any problems arise, report them to the relevant departments and agencies and the Provincial People’s Committee for timely handling measures.

For the difficulties and problems in site clearance for projects in Lang Son city and Loc Binh district, Mr. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee agreed to apply another support mechanism by allocating resettlement land for the cases of land acquisition to implement projects as proposed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.