Friday,  09/20/2024

Accompanying businesses, cooperatives, business households

Instead of organizing meetings and dialogues with businesses, cooperatives in the province as every year, from September 2022 until now, leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, departments and sectors have met and talk with businesses, cooperatives and business households in the districts and cities. Thereby, the difficulties and problems of them are timely removed.

According to the Department of Planning and Investment, by the end of September 2022, there have been 3,684 businesses in the province with registered capital of 37,290 billion VND; 440 cooperatives and nearly 40,000 business households registering to operate. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses, cooperatives and business households have been severely affected. Therefore, the specialized agency has advised the Provincial People’s Committee to implement many measures to support and remove difficulties for the community of businesses, cooperatives and business households in the province, typically the meetings of the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee with businesses, cooperatives, and business households in the districts and Lang Son city.

A leader of the Provincial People’s Committee together with departments and sectors inspect the production model of Huu Lung Agricultural Cooperative

Ms. Phung Thi Thanh Nga, Deputy Director of the Department of Planning and Investment, said: “This is the first time the department has advised the Provincial People’s Committee to renew the ways of organizing meeting and dialogue with businesses to the authorities at district level to promote connection between the leaders of Provincial People’s Committee, departments and sectors with businesses, cooperatives and business households in the districts and city. This not only shows the will to accompany businesses, cooperatives and business households of the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, departments and sectors in, but also helps the community of business, cooperatives, and business households to meet, exchange, and raise their concerns and obstacles in production and business activities as well as contributions in directing and administering socio-economic development of the province. Thereby, the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, related departments and sectors, the People’s Committees of districts and Lang Son city can promptly answer and removed their difficulties and problems.”

Since September 2022, the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, departments and sectors have worked with the business community, cooperatives and business households in Lang Son city and Cao Loc, Loc Binh, Huu Lung, Van Lang districts. In addition, some districts have actively organized meetings between district leaders and the business community, cooperatives and business households in their area.

In previous years when the meeting of the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee and businesses and cooperatives was held in the province, only a few businesses and cooperatives at district level could attend. When meetings and dialogues are organized in districts and city, on average, each meeting is attended by representatives of about 150 businesses, cooperatives and business households in the districts and city.

Mr. Hoang Van Chieu, Chairman of Loc Binh District People’s Committee said: “That the meetings were held in the district helps many businesses, cooperatives and business households in the district have the opportunity to meet, exchange and raise their difficulties and obstacles in production and business activities. Thereby, the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee as well as related departments and sectors can answered and clarified some contents in order to gradually remove difficulties for them.

Since September 2022, after 5 meetings of leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, departments and sectors with the business community, cooperatives and business households in the districts and city, there have been 73 recommendations. In which, they focus on accessing preferential loans, preferential investment policies to develop production and business; facilitating the lease of land and water surface; training to improve the quality of human resources; processing waste; site clearance for projects…

Workers of Na Duong Coal Company, Loc Binh district repair machinery for their production activities

Particularly, most of the questions were answered in detail at the meeting. This helps many businesses, cooperatives, and business households to remove the problems and to quickly stabilize their production and business activities.

Mr. Tran Van Ca, Director of HTC Huu Lung Construction and Trading Joint Stock Company said: “The company attended a meeting and dialogued with leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee in Huu Lung district for the first time. We produces building materials, in the process of production and business, we have encountered many difficulties related to the price of material and, expanding the market. Through dialogue with provincial leaders, we were able to raise our problems and we recommended that the province should pay attention to solving difficulties for businesses. Although the process of receiving and solving the mentioned difficulties takes time, we believe that with the closeness and openness of provincial leaders, departments and agencies, the obstacles of businesses will be gradually removed, creating trust for businesses to invest in production and business, contributing to the general socio-economic development of the province.

Hopefully, with the close attention of the Provincial People’s Committee, relevant departments and sectors and the efforts and determination to overcome difficulties of the businesses, cooperatives and business households in the province, in the coming time, they will gradually overcome difficulties, quickly recover and improve production and business efficiency. Thereby, they will make an important contribution to the overall socio-economic development goals in the province.