Friday,  09/20/2024

Rural transport development: Positive results in 2022

Identifying the importance of rural transport infrastructure, in 2022, districts and city have prioritized resources and promoted the mobilization of people to participate in the implementation of the hardening of roads according to the motto “supported by the State, the people do it”. Thanks to that, many roads have been hardened to help the face of the countryside change, becoming more and more prosperous.

Implementing the hardening of rural roads in Bac Quynh commune, Bac Son district

Binh Gia is a poor district of Lang Son province. The terrain is wide, the population is not concentrated, and the need to harden the main roads of the commune, inter-commune and inter-village is very large.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuan, Chairman of Binh Gia District People’s Committee said: Prioritizing resources to invest in rural roads is always the district’s top concern. Accordingly, every year, the district develops a plan and determines the list of traffic works in order of priority to invest in roads connecting inter-commune and inter-village. Simultaneously, the district also directed the communes to develop a plan to register the demand for cement, build alleys and lanes,  implement timely cement allocation for the People to follow the method “State support, People do it”. Thanks to the drastic and synchronous implementation, in 2022, the whole district has hardened nearly 80 km of roads, of which the People can make 30 km by themselves; The State invests in 49.9 km of commune and inter-village roads. People contributed 2.5 billion VND in cash for road construction, an increase of 700 million VND compared to 2021. Up to now, the total number of villages with car roads reaching the center reaches 90/133 villages (in 2021, the number of villages with car roads to the village center of Binh Gia district is 78/133 villages).

Learning about reality in Hong Phong commune, Binh Gia district one day early in 2023, we couldn’t help but be surprised by the change of the rural transport infrastructure here.

According to statistics, the whole commune has 4 commune roads with a total length of 23 km and village roads in 6 villages with a length of nearly 30 km. However, by the end of 2021, only 6/23 km of commune roads have been hardened and about 9/30 km of village roads have been hardened. Entering 2022, the commune has developed plans, reports and proposed the district to support investment in commune and inter-commune roads to promote production development and improve people’s travel conditions.

In 2022, the commune has received capital from the State budget to invest in 3 commune roads with a total length of 13 km. In addition, from the cement source of the rural transport infrastructure, people continue to harden 2 km of alleys according to the method “supported by the State, the people do it”. The total value of the works reached nearly 20 billion VND, the people donated tens of thousands of square meters of land to build roads.

Another district with a high volume of implementing hardening of rural roads in 2022 is Bac Son district. According to statistics of the District People’s Committee, with the solution to integrate capital sources by the end of 2022, the whole district has hardened 50 km of rural roads of all kinds, an increase of 26 km compared to 2021. In which, the number of kilometers of roads made by the People is 31 km and made according to the scheme and other sources is 31 km; increase the percentage of villages in the district with motorways to the village center from 114/144 villages in 2021 to 125/144 villages by the end of 2022.

According to statistics of the Department of Transport and Communications, by the end of 2022, out of 11 districts and city, 8 districts have the volume of hardening of rural roads meeting and exceeding the set plan, the total length of road roads hardened in 2022 increased by 42 km compare to 2021.

Mr. Duong Cong Vi, Director of the Department of Transportation, said: The volume of hardening of rural roads in 2022 is higher than in 2021 because districts have prioritized resources from the national target program integrated with other funding sources to harden rural transport infrastructure. Out of a total of nearly 446 km of road solidification in 2022, 370 km will be implemented from the provincial AI development project and 76 km of road will be hardened from integrated funding for implementation of national target programs. This is a great effort in hardening the commune, inter-commune and village roads in the whole province in 2022.

The results achieved for the development of rural transport infrastructure in 2022 are remarkable. Hardened roads have created a new look for rural areas, especially in remote and disadvantaged communes, border communes, and safe zone communes. Thereby, the development making an important contribution to the task of improving the people’s living standards and supporting the promotion of production development in the rural areas of the province.