Friday,  09/20/2024

Various plans for import – export activities

On January 7, 2023, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected at Huu Nghi International Border Gate and Tan Thanh Border Gate on the implementation of plans when China resumes normal import-export and entry-exit activities through provincial border gates from January 8, 2023.

Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspects the preparation for entry and exit of people at Huu Nghi International Border Gate

According to a report by the Management Board of the Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone (BGEZ), from a reply letter from the People’s Government of Pingxiang City (Guangxi, China), from January 8, 2023, China have restored all import and export activities through border gates between the two sides, initially, it has restored entry and exit activities through Huu Nghi International Border Gate (Vietnam) – Youyi Guan (China). People entering China are required a COVID-19 test by PCR method valid within 48 hours (provided by 1 of the 8 pre-designated Chinese Embassy establishments), other documents according to the regulations as before.

However, at present, China only allows citizens of Vietnam and China to enter and exit Huu Nghi International Border Gate (Vietnam) – Youyi Guan (China). Regarding the citizens of the third country entering China, there have yet been any changes in entry policy (they have yet been able to enter China). As for other border gates in the province, entry and exit activities have not been restored for citizens of the two countries. In addition to Huu Nghi International Border Gate, drivers and vehicles carrying import and export goods and accompanying passengers are allowed to enter and exit through Tan Thanh Border Gate.

Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspects import and export activities at Tan Thanh border gate

For import and export activities, China has removed all nucleic acid testing measures for COVID-19 prevention for import and export goods, therefore, businesses should follow the actual situation and choose an efficient and convenient customs clearance method.

However, for import and export activities through Tan Thanh border gate, because China has not completed the equipment system and preparation, it is not possible to restore entry and exit activities through the border gate in the area of Landmark No. 1090 from January 8. Consequently, at first, import and export activities through this border gate will be carried out with 2 methods of delivery and receipt of goods in parallel. At Chi Ma and Coc Nam border gates, the transportation of import and export goods through the border gate continues to be carried out by Chinese drivers delivering export goods and receiving imported goods.

At the inspection session, the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone, the Provincial Border Guard Command, the Department of Health, the Provincial Customs Department, representatives of businesses operating in storing at the border gate… had a number of recommendations such as the regulations on the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic at border gates by the Provincial People’s Committee, especially at Huu Nghi International Border Gate in accordance with the actual situation as well as the characteristics of the border gate area in the province; concretizing regulations on management of vehicles carrying goods exported and imported through the border gate; controlling entry of visitors from China; directing media agencies to timely popularize the new regulations to people, drivers, and business ..

Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee speaks at the meeting with departments, sectors and functional forces

Speaking at the inspection session, the Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized: “At this time, state management agencies and functional forces at border gates should continue to flexibly choose options in management of import and export activities as well as entry and exit of people. For the control of entry and exit visitors through Huu Nghi International Border Gate, the forces should carry out control activities in accordance with regulations.

Units and functional forces have increased propaganda on pandemic prevention and control, and China’s pandemic control requirements to drivers, goods owners, and passengers on entry and exit; Enterprises operating in wharves at border gates urgently arrange their areas to facilitate inspection and collection of goods, and timely provision of services such as transshipment, loading and unloading goods….