Friday,  09/20/2024

Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspects the implementation of projects in Lang Son city

On February 16, 2023, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the implementation of the Provincial Ethnic Minority Boarding High School project and the Social Housing Project No. 2 in Lang Son city.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concludes the inspection

According to the report at the inspection, the Provincial Ethnic Minority Boarding High School project is invested by the Provincial Management Board of Construction Investment Project with a total investment of more than 36 billion VND, the implementation time is from 2022 to 2024. The Provincial Management Board of Construction Investment Project has completed the selection and signing with contractors. The construction volume is built by the contractor in accordance with the approved design documents, additional design documents (the foundation, 1st floor columns, 2nd floor beams of dormitory and kitchen have been completed, the construction and erection of formwork, reinforcement of floor beams on the 2nd floor are currently being constructed etc.).

Besides the achieved results, the project implementation encountered difficulties such as narrow construction site, no place to gather supplies and materials, underground rocks during construction process which resulted in the change in construction method, problem in land clearance.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the delegation inspect the Provincial Ethnic Boarding High School project

For Housing Project No. 2 in Lang Son city, the representative of the investor is NNP Investment Joint Stock Company, the total project investment is nearly 735 billion VND. The project site is in the Eastern Urban Area, block 8, Dong Kinh ward, Lang Son city. Up to now, the project has completed its construction investment, accepted and 41/41 low-rise apartments have been put into use. The high-rise apartments was started on April 22, 2021 and its construction was carried out on schedule, including the structure of building that have been completed, the construction was completed with 90% of the volume; regarding technical infrastructure, water supply and drainage sewers, electric lines, rough carpets of roads within 41 low-rise apartments has been completed.

Regarding the business situation of real estate and commercial housing (low-rise), the parties have signed contracts to buy and sell 32/41 houses. In term of social housing (high-rise), the parties have signed a contract to buy and sell 243/796 apartments.

At the inspection, representatives of the project investors, leaders of a number of departments and sectors and the People’s Committee of Lang Son city focused on discussing and offering specific solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of the two projects mentioned above.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspects the Social Housing Project No. 2, Lang Son city

Concluding the inspection, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged the initiative and efforts of the investors in the implementation of the projects. However, there had been difficulties and problems in the implementation of the project that needed to be urgently removed.

Regarding the tasks in the future, for the project of Provincial Ethnic Minority Boarding High School, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee agreed to additionally install solar energy rigs, hot water heaters serving daily life for the dormitory and the kitchen; to expand multi-functional house. Additionally, the People’s Committee of Lang Son city was required to complete the site clearance for the project by the end of June 2023.

For Housing Project No. 2 in Lang Son city, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee asked the People’s Committee of Lang Son city to review all problems in site clearance of the project and seek for specific solution. The deadline for the site clearance for the external roads (road of 17m and 26m) would be the end of July 2023. The investor should continue to closely coordinate with departments and sectors to accelerate project implementation.

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the investors of the two projects to coordinate with related parties to ensure labor safety and environmental sanitation in the project implementation area.

Previously, the delegation inspected at construction sites of projects.