Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial leaders attend the launching ceremony of “Tree-planting Festival – remembering Uncle Ho’s merit forever” in Chi Lang district

On February 15, at Chi Lang Temple, Bai Hao village, Chi Lang commune, Chi Lang district People’s Committee held the launching ceremony “Tree-planting Festival – remembering Uncle Ho’s merit forever” launched troops to build rural roads, irrigation, and environmental sanitation on the occasion of the Year of the Dragon in 2024.

Attending the ceremony were Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Quoc Doan; Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation Hoang Van Nghiem; Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Ho Tien Thieu; Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council Doan Thi Hau; members of the Provincial Party Standing Committee; leaders of a number of provincial departments, sectors, commissions and organizations; Chi Lang district leaders and people in the district.

Before attending the launching ceremony, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Quoc Doan, and other provincial leaders offered incense at Chi Lang Temple.

Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Quoc Doan and other provincial leaders offered incense at Chi Lang Temple

Delegates attended the launching ceremony

Leaders of Chi Lang District People’s Committee spoke at the launching ceremony

Implementing Uncle Ho’s teachings “Spring is the time for planting trees; Making the country all the more dazzling as eternal springtime”, in recent years, Chi Lang district has promoted the movement of planting trees in early spring to all levels, sectors and people.

Leaders of the province and Chi Lang district planted trees at the launching ceremony

In recent years, the movement of planting trees, creating forests, building rural roads, running water, irrigation, and environmental sanitation has achieved positive results. In 2023, the entire district planted 1,179.53 hectares of forest, increased forest coverage in the district to over 49.9%; Construction of rural roads, irrigation and environment associated with new rural construction continues to be promoted and achieves clear results…

Provincial leaders planted trees at the grounds of Chi Lang Temple

In order to further promote the results achieved in recent years, in the coming time, every officer, youth union member, and people in the district will strive to emulate and enthusiastically participate in planting trees and forests to protect the environment and prevent soil erosion… at the same time, actively participate in managing and protecting forests, preventing illegal logging and exploitation of forests; continue to widely implement and propagate the purpose and meaning of the early spring tree planting festival associated with the new rural construction program.

After the launching ceremony, leaders of the province, district and people in the district organized planting of 3,278 trees of all kinds at Chi Lang Temple.