Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son People’s Council convenes extraordinary meeting

(LSO) – The 16th session of the 2016-2021 tenure of the People’s Committee of northern Lang Son province conducted the 13th meeting, an extraordinary one, on August 20.

Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council Hoang Van Nghiem and Standing Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Council Doan Thi Hau chaired the event.

The meeting was attended by Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Pham Ngoc Thuong along with leaders from the provincial committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the provincial People’s Committee, and the delegation of provincial National Assembly deputies.

Functional units presented draft resolutions and verification reports of departments of the People’s Council.

Delegates considered and made decisions on five proposals of the provincial People’s Committee and the draft resolution of the provincial People’s Council in the fields of economy-society and organisation-payroll.

Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council Hoang Van Nghiem speaks at the meeting

They also expressed their viewpoints about issues raised at the meeting and matters of public interests, demonstrating the high sense of responsibility of members of the provincial People’s Council.

The participants showed high consensus regarding personnel issues submitted to the meeting, and made decision on urgent issues which arose in the period between the two regular meetings of the provincial People’s Council.

The contents discussed at the event were of significance meaning to the implementation of socio-economic tasks in 2019.

The People’s Council also conducted procedures to remove Hoang Xuan Thuan, former Director of the provincial Department of External Affairs, from the position as a deputy of the provincial People’s Committee for the 2016-2021 tenure, as he is transferred to a new job.

Director of the provincial Department of External Affairs Trinh Tuyet Mai was elected as a member of the provincial People’s Committee for 2016-2021.

At the meeting, the People’s Council approved through voting six resolutions on the policy on arranging communal administrative units for the 2019-2021 period, the first public investment plan in 2020, and supplements of the list of projects that need land clearance in 2019 in the province.

Deputies vote to approve resolutions

Concluding the event, Chairman of the People’s Council Hoang Van Nghiem said 2019 is the final year implementing the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress and the Resolution of the 16th provincial Party Congress as well as programmes, resolutions and decisions of the Party Central Committee and Lang Son province on socio-economic development tasks and targets in 2019.

He asked the People’s Committee to direct the implementation of resolutions passed by the People’s Council. Departments, groups of deputies, and People’s Council deputies should closely coordinate with the provincial committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to enhance the inspection of the implementation of the council’s resolutions to ensure they are carried out on schedule and in an effective manner.