Friday,  09/20/2024

National teleconference reviews three-year implementing Politburo’s Directive 05

(LSO) – A national teleconference was held on August 20 by the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat to review three years implementing Directive 05-CT-TW issued by the Politburo on May 15, 2016 on “promoting the study and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle.

The event was chaired by Tran Quoc Vuong, Politburo member and standing member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat. Other participants included Vo Van Thuong, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of the Party Central Committee’s Information and Education Commission, and leaders of ministries, sectors and central agencies.

In Lang Son, officials joining the conference included Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Vice Secretary of the  provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council; Pham Ngoc Thuong, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee; and leaders of provincial departments, sectors of the province and Lang Son city.

An overview of the teleconference in Lang Son province

Three years after the introduction of the directive, studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle have become an important and regular task of each Party organisation, agency, unit as well as each official, Party member and people from all walks of life.

The study of thematic topics on President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle have been integrated in the contents of regular meetings of Party cells, resulting in obvious changes in the awareness of each official, Party member and each organisation.

Party Committees at all levels have seriously built plans to carry out the movement in association with the implementation of political tasks with specific contents.

In Lang Son, 29 relevant documents were issued, making the province one of the localities issuing the largest number of documents to realize and guide the implementation of Directive 05.

District and town Party Committees in the province organised 241 inspections to check and promote the implementation of the Directive, thus multiplying effective models and creative methods to encourage local people to learn and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s example.

At the conference, representatives of several central agencies and localities shared the outcomes that they have achieved after three years carrying out Directive 05, introduced experiences and good practices and analysed shortcomings with a view to implementing the directive in a more effective manner in the time ahead.

In his remarks, Politburo member and standing member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong spoke highly of the efforts made by authorities at all levels and sectors in realising the Directive, while pointing to outstanding limitations.

Participants at the conference in Lang Son province

He stressed all-level administrations, sectors and localities should press ahead with the study and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style in connection with strictly implementing the Party’s resolutions and regulations. They should also continue to work to raise the awareness of all Party members and the public about the significance of Directive 05 to the building of the Party and political system.

Party committees at all levels must direct and organize the implementation of Directive 05 in tandem with other resolutions of the Party Central Committee, with focus given to meticulous preparations for the upcoming party congresses, while key officials must promote their exemplary roles in carrying out the directive.