Friday,  09/20/2024

The 17th Party Congress of the Provincial Public Security

(LSO) – On August 13, the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security held the 17th congress, term 2020-2025.

Attending the congress were Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Major General Nguyen Duy Ngoc, Deputy Minister of Public Security; members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

In the past term, the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security has actively advised the Party Committee and authorities to direct the work of ensuring security and order; at the same time, coordinated to effectively implement basic operations and guarantee security in the fields. The fight against crimes has been drastically deployed.

Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee spoke at the congress

In which, crimes and social evils have been curbed at a low level compared to the whole country (less than 400 cases  per year). The rate of case investigation and elimination reaches 93.9%, exceeding 13.9% compared with the set target. The area does not allow forming a complex convergence of social order, drugs, smuggling, trade fraud and so on.

The Party and force building work has achieved many important results; discipline has been strengthened. Every year, the Party Committee is assessed and graded to complete tasks excellently.

At the congress, the delegates made presentations, discussed and clarified the achieved results, pointed out some shortcomings, limitations and proposed solutions to overcome them in the future.

Major General Nguyen Duy Ngoc, Deputy Minister of Public Security spoke at the congress

In the 2020-2025 term, the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security sets out objectives, tasks and targets, specifically: reducing from 5% or more of the total number of crimes; the rate of criminal case investigation and elimination reaches 85% or more, the rate of serious criminal case investigation and elimination is over 95%; 100% of the affiliated grassroots party organizations complete their annual tasks, of which 80% or more of them are expected to complete their tasks well and so forth.

Speaking at the congress, the Deputy Minister of Public Security congratulated the achievements of the Party Committee of Lang Son Provincial Public Security in the past term.

The delegates voted on the personnel project of the Party Executive Committee of the Provincial Public Security, term 2020-2025

The delegates voted for the Party Executive Committee of the Provincial Public Security, term 2020-2025

He requested that the Party Committee should improve the efficiency of basic specialized work; applying science and technology to police work; thoroughly grasp the principle of the Party’s absolute and direct leadership on all aspects of the People’s Public Security work; strengthening the relationship between the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security and the Party Committees of departments, committees, agencies in performing the task of ensuring security and order, security – defense; promote international cooperation in the prevention and fight against crimes, law violations and so on.

Speaking at the congress, the Secretary of Lang Son Provincial Party Committee emphasized that in the coming time, the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security need focus on thoroughly grasping and implementing the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws on security and order protection; proactively, firmly grasping the situation, analyzing, forecasting and improving the quality of advising the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee, Ministry of Public Security on solutions to ensure security and order; promoting the core role, advising the implementation of measures to prevent, fight, contain and reduce all kinds of crimes and social evils; continuing to focus on building the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security, grassroots party organizations and the police force in a clean and strong manner and so forth.

Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee took a photo with the Party Executive Committee of the Provincial Public Security, term 2020-2025

The Congress elected the Provincial Public Security Party Executive Committee for the term 2020-2025. At the first session, the Party Executive Committee elected the Standing Committee, Secretary, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Inspection Committee, Chairman of the Inspection Committee, the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security. Colonel Thai Hong Cong, Secretary of the 16th Party Committee, Director of the Provincial Public Security was elected by the congress to be the Secretary of the Provincial Public Security Party Committee for the term 2020-2025.

The congress elected the delegation to attend the 17th  Provincial Party Congress, simultaneously adopted resolutions and the action program to implement congress resolutions.