Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son Provincial National Assembly deputy proposed that the Government soon negotiate an increase in the minimum wage

The National Assembly debated in the hall

On June 1, continuing the program of the 3rd session of the 15th National Assembly, under the direction of the Standing Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man, the National Assembly debated in the hall, additionally assessed the results of socio-economic development plan and state budget in 2021; the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the state budget in the first months of 2022; summarizing the implementation of Resolution No.42/2017/QH14 dated June 21, 2017 on piloting bad debt settlement of credit institutions and extending the time limit for application of all provisions of this resolution; the Government members spoke to explain and clarify a number of issues raised by the National Assembly deputies.

Speaking at the hall, Deputy Pham Trong Nghia, Lang Son Provincial National Assembly Delegation suggested that the Government should soon negotiate an increase in the minimum wage. Accordingly, Deputy Pham Trong Nghia quoted General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in the work “Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam”: “We need a society in which development is truly for people…We need economic development to go hand in hand with progress and social justice, not widening gap between rich and poor and social inequality”. Deputy Pham Trong Nghia pointed out that, employees are valuable assets of the country, workers need to be treated appropriately, must be placed at the center of policies to enjoy the development fruits of the country and the nation.

Deputy Pham Trong Nghia, Lang Son Provincial National Assembly Delegation spoke at the hall, suggesting that the Government should soon negotiate an increase in the minimum wage.

In order to protect and develop this valuable asset, Deputy Pham Trong Nghia made a number of proposals and recommendations to the Government, specifically, the Government needs to direct the National Wage Council to soon negotiate an increase in the minimum wage at least in 2023 to ensure the minimum living standard of employees and their families as prescribed by the Labor Code. At the same time, the Government needs to research and assign an independent agency, which can be a research institution to publish and critique the minimum living standard announced by the statistical agency, ensuring objectivity and scientificality. This is also the experience of many countries around the world.

Deputy Pham Trong Nghia also said that the Government needs to study and adjust the minimum hourly wage to be much higher than the average monthly wage. Along with that, the deputy suggested that the Prime Minister urgently promulgate the Strategy for Human Resource Development for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2045 to realize a strategic breakthrough in human resources.