Friday,  09/20/2024

Remembering Uncle Ho’s teaching “emulation is patriotism, patriots must emulate”

74 years ago, President Ho Chi Minh called for “patriotic emulation” to encourage the people to “eliminate hunger, illiteracy, and foreign invaders”, with the spirit of “everybody, every sector participating in emulation”.

After the August 1945 revolution, the French colonialists deliberately used force to re-establish the yoke of domination over our country. The fate of the country was “thousands of pounds hanging by a hair” because of internal enemies, external enemies, hunger and illiteracy everywhere. In order to build and protect the revolutionary government, fight against the French colonialists’ invasion, eliminate internal rebellion and improve the people’s life, on June 11, 1948, President Ho Chi Minh called for “patriotic emulation”. He stated all the tasks of the Party and people as well as the purpose of the movement, at the same time, he clearly indicated the order of priority, “eliminating the hunger” first (to save the lives of the people), “eradicating illiteracy” (without knowledge, it is impossible to resist foreign invaders, especially the French colonialists) and “fight against foreign invaders”.

The narrator of the Provincial Museum introduces artifacts about President Ho Chi Minh to the youth union members, at the exhibition booth with the topic “Uncle Ho and the People of Ethnic Groups of Lang Son Province” in the Provincial Museum. Photo: TUYET MAI

In terms of spirit, he specifically stated, relying on “The force of the people, the spirit of the people” to bring “Happiness to the people”. Regarding the object, he requested “Vietnamese people, any scholar, farmer, worker, merchant, whatever they do, they all need to emulate”. To achieve the ultimate goal which is “All the people have enough to eat and to wear. All people can read and write. All soldiers have enough food and weapons to fight the foreign invaders”, processing to “The whole country will be completely independent. And then we would have an independent nation, free people, happy life” With the point of view “Emulation is patriotism, patriots must emulate, the ones emulating are the most patriotic people”* – This is the great driving force that made the patriotic emulation movement extremely spiritually powerful, long lasting, constantly developing, associated with the development of the nation.

President Ho Chi Minh’s call for patriotic emulation came from the interests of the People, bringing prosperity, happiness, independence and freedom to the people, therefore, the movement was responded to by a large number of people from all walks of life, typically the movement “Golden week”, “Academic popularity”, campaign “New life”, independent fund, defense service fund… to movements “Emulation in savings, avoiding luxury, thrift, saving food for the soldiers or for times of need”, the fields were the battlefield, the hoe was the weapon, the farmer was the soldier, the rear competed with the front”… We have summarized many emulation waves at all levels, sectors, localities and the whole country, the top leaders of the Party and State all affirmed “The great victories of the Vietnamese revolution through each historical period have been associated with the effective organization of patriotic emulation movements.”

Continuing to promote President Ho’s direction in emulation, especially emulation movements such as “Vietnamese enterprises integrate and develop”, “The whole country joins hands for the poor – leaving no one behind”, “Officials, civil servants and public employees emulate in the implementation of office culture” and emulation movements “Entire people build a cultural life”, “Gratitude return”, “Creative youth” ”, “Good at both office work and housework”, “For national security”… have made an important contribution to socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security.

Through activities to celebrate the 74th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s call to “patriotic emulation”, our province advocates continuing to raise awareness and responsibility in all levels of Party committees, authorities, and Fatherland Front, mass organizations, officials, party members and people of all walks of life about the position, role and effect of the emulation movement and commendation according to Ho Chi Minh’s ideology. Along with practicing thrift, combating corruption and waste, ensuring social welfare, reducing poverty, preventing and fighting natural disasters and diseases, reducing traffic accidents, maintaining political stability and social order and safety…, Lang Son has focused on directing to implement the movements of “new rural development”, “Lang Son enterprises integrate and develop”, “Joining hands for the poor, no one is left behind” as the core for patriotic emulation movements in the current period.

The 74th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s call for patriotic emulation takes place in the context that the entire Party and people of our province are determined to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Committee and the resolutions of the Party Congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term, emulation movements continue to be a source of encouragement for officials, party members and the People to continue the patriotic tradition, self-reliance will to overcome difficulties, strive to complete tasks.