Friday,  09/20/2024

Inspecting the implementation of the Regulation on democracy at grassroots level in Loc Binh district

On the morning of August 23, Inspection Delegation No. 1 led by Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for the Implementation of the Democracy Regulation at the grassroots level inspected the implementation of Democracy Regulation at the grassroots in Loc Binh district.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee speaks at the inspection session at Loc Binh District Party Committee

In the first 8 months of 2022, the implementation of Democracy Regulation at the grassroots level of Party committees, authorities, socio-political organizations, agencies and units in the district continues has been maintained.

Accordingly, the implementation of Democracy Regulation in communes and towns is serious. Party committees and local authorities at grassroots level have made public such contents as socio-economic development plan, projects, compensation plans, site clearance, resettlement, planning; … Along with that, the implementation of Democracy Regulation in the activities of state administrative agencies and public non-business units also achieved positive results. The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee directed and strictly implemented the Democracy Regulation in personnel work, moving, appointing, introducing and nominating candidates for election of leaders; the organization of meeting with officials, civil servants and public employees has been carried out in accordance with regulations by agencies and units. Thereby, it creates democratic and open atmosphere, strengthening internal solidarity.

As for the business sector, from the beginning of the year, businesses have met with employees, publicized the direction and tasks of production and business, and introduced policies and welfares to employees. At the same time, they have discussed measures to implement production and business targets; evaluated the implementation of the collective labor agreement, labor protection welfare…

In addition to the achieved results, the implementation of Democracy Regulation at the grassroots level in the district still has some limitations such as the leadership and direction of the implementation of Democracy Regulation at the district and grassroots levels has somehow been not practical and effective; the implementation of Democracy Regulation in communes, towns and in businesses has sometimes slow; the People’s Inspection Commission and the Community Investment Supervision Committee have not fully promoted their roles and responsibilities.

Speaking at the conference, the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee acknowledged the efforts made by the Party Committees and authorities at all levels in the district in the implementation of Democracy Regulation at grassroots level over the past time.

Regarding the direction and tasks in the coming time, he asked the Party committees and authority at all levels in the district to fully and specifically popularize the documents and regulations of their superiors on the implementation of Democracy Regulation, to well implement the contents related to Democracy Regulation at the grassroots level previously issued, to timely update and supplement documents and guidelines suitable to local practice.

In addition, it is also necessary to well promote the role of the Fatherland Front committees, socio-political organizations participating in social supervision and criticism related to issues of people’s concern; to promote well the role of Party committees and leaders in the implementation of Democracy Regulation at the grassroots level; to maintain and promote the models, such as “Good mass mobilization”, “Friendly Government”…

He emphasized the Party committees and authority at all levels should promptly grasp people’s thoughts and aspirations; focus on solving problems from the very beginning..

Previously, the delegation inspected the implementation of Democracy Regulation at the grassroots level in Dong Buc commune.