Saturday,  09/21/2024

The spillover effect from a contest

At the beginning of August 2022, the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc launched an Internet-based multiple choice contest “Learning about Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought and the Party’s resolutions, directives and regulations”. After 5 weeks of competition, the contest closed with many outstanding results, contributing to the innovation of propaganda methods, creating a strong spread throughout the entire party.

Accordingly, the Standing Board of the Party Committee of the provincial agencies issued a plan to organize the contest and directed the implementation in the entire Party committee. After that, 67/67 grassroots party organizations developed plans, organized distribution of competitions at their level; urge cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, workers… to actively participate in the contest. At the same time, a number of grassroots party committees provided documents, mobilized and urged officials, party members and employees to participate in the contest; update and statistics of participation and weekly contest results to create a competitive atmosphere at their agency or unit… Notably, a number of units organized the contest in divisions, commissions, and held the contest at party cell activities, meetings of agencies and organizations, etc.

Party members of the 2nd Party cell, Party Committee of the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development of the province participated in the contest

The Party Committee of Lang Son College of Education is one of the units with a high number of attendees and awards. Mr. Phung Quy Son, Secretary of the Party Committee, Principle of the college said: Immediately after the contest implementation was planned, the Party Committee organized thorough dissemination and communication to the party cell, and at the same time integrated propaganda at the meetings. In particular, the Party Committee directed the organization of centralized guidance for officials, party members and employees such as account creation, exam methods, etc. Thanks to that, in 5 weeks, the whole Party committee had more than 1,000 turns of participants and received 4 awards.

Along with the initiative in the implementation and propaganda of the Party Committees at all levels, the staff, party members and employees also actively responded to participate in the contest, spending time researching the content to come up with the correct answer.

Mrs. Le Thi Minh Trang, Party cell Secretary, Head of Business Planning Division, Provincial Post Office said: “I myself have spent a lot of time to research and learn deeply about the contents of the contest. Thanks to that, after many participations, I won the second prize in the second week of the contest. This helped me firmly grasp the core contents of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought and the directives and resolutions of the Party.

In addition, the Party Committee of the provincial agencies bloc have directed to well implement the propaganda about the purpose, meaning and results of the contest in many diverse forms. Specifically, the information is updated on social networking groups on Facebook and Zalo; Propaganda on websites, media… Results after 5 weeks of the contest, the entire Party committee has 6,690 officials, party members, civil servants, public employees, workers… registered to participate in the exam with nearly 39,000 participants. The Organizing Committee of the contest has issued a decision to award 55 prizes to individuals.

Party members of the Party Committee of the Provincial Market Management Department participated in the contest on personal phones

Ms. Pham Thu Hang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Lang Son Province’s Agencies Bloc said: The multiple-choice contest on the Internet is one of the innovative forms of approaches to research and study Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thought. This has contributed to cadres and party members to firmly grasp the contents of political theory, directives and resolutions of the Party, thereby gaining necessary knowledge to protect the ideological foundation of the Party, participate in the successful implementation of the Party’s Resolution in the current period.

The Internet multiple-choice contest “Learn about Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought and the Party’s resolutions, directives and regulations” is an extensive political activity and has a strong spillover effect, contributing to creating motivation and emulation spirit in the entire Party Committee of the Bloc and provincial agencies, firmly consolidating trust, promoting the sense of responsibility to successfully implement the resolutions of the Party congresses at all levels and the Party’s resolutions, directives and regulations, contributing to building a clean and strong party organization.