Friday,  09/20/2024

Strengthening the protection the ideological foundation of the Party

In order to improve the effectiveness of protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, over the past time, the Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province have made efforts to implement specific solutions, resolutely protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views. Hence, official sources of news have been provided, malicious information and “junk” news have been eliminated, contributing to orienting public opinion and creating consensus in society.

Officials of Provincial Youth Union seek and share positive information on social networks

Mr. Phung Quang Hoi, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Head of the Provincial Steering Committee on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views said: “The task of protecting the ideological foundation of the Party and fighting against wrong and hostile views is a very important task. Therefore, Party committees and authorities at all level in the province, relevant agencies have actively advised the Standing of the Provincial Party Committee to effectively implement Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW dated October 22, 2018 of the Politburo, in association with the Party’s resolutions and directives, policies and laws of the State. The Provincial Steering Committee has focused on building a core force with theoretical qualifications, political courage, enthusiasm and responsibility to advise and implement this work. At the same time, it has strengthened the education of political and ideological theory, orientation of public opinion; regularly sent positive information on the internet, social networks with the motto “the beauty eliminates the bad”; fiercely fought against fake news, false and malicious news, especially in cyberspace. Thereby, this helps raise awareness of officials, party members and people about the role and meaning of protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views in the new situation, actively participating in patriotic emulation movements, building the Party and a clean and strong political system.

Accordingly, Party committees and authorities at all levels actively strengthen their forces, develop a team of advisors and assistants to help steering committees at all levels; collaborators, groups of experts to ensure the maintenance and continuity of human resources for this work. In order for this team to have the right awareness, skills and timely identification of malicious information as well as methods of handling and fighting, the steering committees at all levels organize training on skills to protect the ideological foundation of the Party, to fight against false and hostile views.

Ms. Hoang Minh Thao, Head of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the City Party Committee, Director of the City’s Political Center, said: “In June 2022, the City Steering Committee organized a training session for more than 250 delegates. We invited the reporter at central level to convey the contents related to the protection of the Party’s ideological foundation, especially skills in fighting and refuting wrong views. This helps detect the plots and tricks of hostile forces and provide professional guidance advisors and assistants with skills and methods of coordination, participation in the fight against malicious information in cyberspace.”

Officials of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the City Party Committee post positive information on Facebook

One of the solutions to protect the ideological foundation of the Party is to strengthen the population of positive information, “the beauty eliminates the bad”, to fight against wrong views, especially in the cyberspace. Accordingly, the steering committees from the province to the grassroots level and agencies and units in the province carry out have spread positive information in many forms such as oral propaganda, through the loudspeaker system, mass media, internet, social networks. Particularly from the beginning of 2022 until now, the province’s force has posted and shared over 63,000 positive news, articles and information on the internet and social networks; attracting over 12 million visits and interactions.

The regular sharing and spreading of information from official sites and groups has contributed to “diluting” negative information, orienting thoughts and awareness of officials, party members and the people to a correct direction, which makes them trust in the leadership and administration of the Party committees and authorities at all levels. Lieutenant Hoang Quoc Khanh, Assistant of Education Division, Provincial Military Command, collaborator of Provincial Steering Committee said: “I often use my personal facebook account to share positive information; besides, as an administrator of the public group “the color of Mau Son peach blossom” with over 1,000 members, on average, I maintain posting and collecting from 3 to 5 news and articles about the activities of the office, new information on the activities of the local Party committee, government… This provides official information, contributing to ideological orientation, preventing negative information.”

Responding to the contest of writing essays on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views for the second time (in 2022) launched by the Central Steering Committee, the Provincial Steering Committee has innovation in directing and informing participating units. Along with sending official letters to the units, encouraging officials and party members to submit articles for the contest, the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee (the standing body of the Provincial Steering Committee) has request to receive articles from the units at the provincial level (in 2021, the author has send their works directly to the competition at the central level). Accordingly, in 2022, the whole province has 20 focal points to receive and sort the entries for the contest. After the preliminary rounds and evaluation, the Provincial Evaluation Council selected 47 best articles to send to the central level. As a result, the province has one work that won the C prize (newspaper category) at the central competition (the work “Fighting in cyberspace – a battlefield that cannot be underestimated”, author Hoang Diep Hang of Provincial Radio and Television Station). The contest contributes to propagating, affirming and defending the views and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State…; raising awareness, responsibility and practicing logical thinking ability, ability to identify and fight against false and hostile views in the fields of thought, theory, literature, art and in cyberspace.

When there are complicated and unpredictable developments of the world situation, in the process of development – economy – society of the country, it is inevitable that bad impacts, hot spots of public opinion, and with the strong development of the internet, hostile forces continue to use many sophisticated methods and tricks to propagate and distort against the Party, State and regime and increase internal interference activities on democracy, human rights, ethnicity and religion in our country. Therefore, Party committees and authorities at all levels should continue to pay attention to directing and improving the quality of protection of the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against false and hostile views. In particular, it is necessary to promote propaganda and raise people’s awareness of the conspiracy and activities against the Party and State of hostile forces and to focus on capturing and orienting public opinion, promptly solving cases arising from the grassroots level, avoiding large-scale complaint…