Friday,  09/20/2024

Safety zone title considered for six communes in Trang Dinh

(LSO) – A working team from the Ministry of Home Affairs led by Phan Trung Tuan, deputy head of the ministry’s Department of Local Administrations, had a working session on October 10 with leaders of the Lang Son People’s Committee on the finalisation of dossiers for recognition of six communes in Trang Dinh district as safety zones.

The team was received by Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee and leaders of a number of departments and sectors of Lang Son, as well as representatives from the People’s Committee of Trang Dinh and the six communes concerned.

Phan Trung Tuan, Vice Director of the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Department of Local Administrations, addresses the meeting.

The six communes meeting criteria for the consideration of the title are Chi Minh, Tri Phuong, Doi Can, Chi Lang, De Tham and Hung Son. Of this, Chi Minh and Chi Lang satisfy all the five criteria, while the rest meet four.

At the meeting, participants discussed a number of contents related to the dossiers, including the outline of the dossiers and deeper analysis of historical events in the six communes.

Addressing the meeting, head of the ministry’s team asked the Lang Son People’s Committee to assign the provincial Department of Home Affairs to coordinate with TrangDinhdistrict to complete the dossiers in line with the regulations, and continue reviewing the criteria with specific, detailed and convincing analysis before sending the dossiers to the Ministry of Home Affairs, from which they will be submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration.

Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Lang Son People’s Committee, speaks at the meeting.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Huyen asked Trang Dinh district to work with the provincial People’s Committee to continue finalising the dossiers of the six communes and rebuild the scenario of video clips introducing the sites in a real and vivid manner in conformity with the outline of a scientific document.

He also requested relevant provincial departments and sectors to focus on reviewing and re-arranging signs in the relic site in a suitable fashion./.