Friday,  09/20/2024

Multiple choice contest “Learning about 90 years of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day”: Creating a positive effect

The online multiple-choice contest “Learning about 90 years of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day” is one of the practical activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day. Responding to the contest, Party committees, authorities at all levels, agencies and units in the province have actively implemented the contest to all officials, party members, members, union members, people from all walks of life.

Mr. Nguyen Tuan Nam, Standing Deputy Head of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Head of the Organizing Committee of the contest said: The contest is a wide-ranging political activity that has the effect of educating traditional and political ideas for all cadres, party members and people especially the younger generation better understand the history of building, development and achievements of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee over 90 years. In order for the contest to achieve the expected results, the Organizing Committee determined that it was necessary to promote propaganda and mobilize the maximum number of participants in order to create a positive and widespread effect in the entire Party Committee.

Cao Loc High School held an online contest for teachers and students to learn about the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Provincial Party Committee in the first week during the activities under the flag.

Right after the plan to organize the contest was issued, all levels of party committees, agencies, units, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations have stepped up propaganda and mobilized subjects to actively respond. At the same time, all units implemented the contest seriously, practically and effectively attracting a large number of officers, party members, soldiers of the armed forces, union members, members, students, students and people to participate.

For example, the Department of Education and Training has developed and issued a plan to launch a special emulation movement to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee; directed Departments of Education and Training, schools to propagate and guide teachers and students to create accounts and participate in online quizzes. At the same time,  the department posted the plan, announcement and instructions about the contest on the website of the department.

Accordingly, the schools have flexibly implemented to teachers and students, mobilized the whole school to participate such as: organizing school-wide competitions at activity under the flag; doing the contest during class activity … Mrs. Nguyen Minh Thu, Principal of Cao Loc High School shared: Responding to the internet multiple-choice contest “Learning about 90 years of the Traditional Day of the Party Committee of Lang Son Province”, the school launched a contest and guided teachers, staff and students throughout the school to participate in the week 1 exam during the flag activities. Specifically, more than 1,500 staff, teachers and students across the school set up accounts and participated in the contest.

Along with the education and training sector, other units have also actively implemented the contest to all officials, party members, soldiers, union members, members… with practical and effective ways. As the unions at all levels implemented the contest at the activities, guided the team members to take the exam in the form of concentration; The Provincial Military Command mobilized each officer and soldier to participate in the contest at least 3 times a week, to establish a Zalo group to report, exchange and share experiences…

Mr. Phung Quang Hoi, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee spoke at the meeting to agree on a number of contents to organize the multiple-choice contest.

Additionally, each district and city based on the actual situation, implemented the contest appropriately and effectively. As at Cao Loc District Party Committee, sectors and Party committees organized thematic activities and launched to respond to the contest at “red addresses” in the district; The Party Committee of Van Lang district established a steering committee to implement the contest… Mr. Be Thang Long, Head of the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee, Director of the Van Lang District Political Center said: The Standing Board of the District Party Committee has directed the establishment of a steering committee to implement the contest, assigned specific tasks to each member, such as Mr. Vice Chairman of the District People’s Committee in charge of the entire administration, the Chairman of the District Fatherland Front Committee is in charge of mass organizations from the district to the grassroots. Since then, there has been close monitoring and timely urging of staff, party members, union members, members… to participate. With the active participation of the Party Committees, authorities, levels and sectors, after the first week of the contest (from April 3 to April 9, 2023), the whole province had more than 107 thousand people participated in the contest. Among these, the Party Committee of Chi Lang district had the highest number of attendees at 20,417; some other units such as: Van Lang, Huu Lung, Lang Son city… also had a high number of participants (over 10 thousand people). This number is many times higher than previous online contests. At the same time, the Organizing Committee of the Contest announced the decision to award 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, 5 consolation prizes to the best candidates.

Ms. Hoang Thu Trang, an employee of the Semi-boarding High School for Ethnic Minorities – Xuan Long Commune, Cao Loc District said: Responding to the multiple-choice contest, I actively researched and studied documents to participate. This helps me gain more knowledge about the process of formation and development of the Provincial Party Committee, more proud of the precious historical traditions left behind by the previous generations.

It can be affirmed that, although it has only been launched for the first week, the Internet-based multiple choice contest “Learning about 90 years of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day” has attracted a large number of cadres, party members and people from all walks of life. Through the contest, it contributes to raising awareness in preserving and promoting the traditional historical and cultural values of the homeland and the country, arousing national pride, love for the homeland, the country, traditional education, the homeland, the revolutionary roots in each person.

In order for the contest to truly become a useful and effective political activity, in the coming time, the Organizing Committee of the Contest will continue to promote propaganda, actively coordinate with agencies and units to urge and encourage officials, party members and people to participate. From there, the contest arouses love and aspiration in the building, protection and development of the homeland and the country.