Friday,  09/20/2024

75 years of studying and following Uncle Ho in patriotic emulation

In the past 75 years, implementing President Ho Chi Minh’s call for “Patriotic emulation” (June 11, 1948 – June 11, 2023), all levels of Party committees, authorities, the entire people in general, the people of Lang Son in particular have studied and tried to follow, together emulate, contributing to building their homeland and country.

After the August Revolution in 1945, the French colonialists deliberately used force to re-establish the yoke of domination over our country. In such a tough and drastic context of the resistance war against the French colonialists, in order to encourage the entire Party, people and army to win the long-term, all-people and comprehensive resistance war, following the initiative of President Ho Chi Minh, on March 27, 1948, the Executive Central Committee of the Central Party Committee issued a Directive to launch the patriotic emulation movement, which defined “The purpose of patriotic emulation is to facilitate a soon victory of the resistance war, soon success of national construction”.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee presents the emulation flag of the Provincial People’s Committee to the units with the top achievements in the patriotic emulation movement in 2022.

On June 11, 1948, President Ho Chi Minh called for patriotic emulation, launched a nationwide patriotic emulation movement and stated that: “It is the duty of the Vietnamese people, any scholars, farmers, workers, merchants and soldiers or whatever you do, to emulate each other and do anything with speed, quality, quantity… Patriotic emulation will go deep, spread to all fields and all classes of people and help us to overcome all difficulties and all conspiracies of the enemy to come to the final victory”.

President Ho Chi Minh’s call for patriotic emulation spread as a summons, urging compatriots and soldiers nationwide to unite, promote their self-reliance, pride and respect of the nation, overcoming all sacrifices and hardships, striving to emulate, contributing human and material strength to the glorious revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation, as well as in the cause of national construction and development.

During the resistance war against the French colonialists, President Ho Chi Minh and our Party launched many patriotic emulation movements. At the battlefield, soldiers emulate to destroy the enemy, in the rear, the people emulate to increase production, to fight against hunger, illiteracy and foreign invaders… The slogan “The planting fields are also battlefields, hoe and plow are also weapons, farmers are also soldiers, the rear competes with the front” and “Emulation among people, families, sectors, we will absolutely win, the enemy will definitely lose” have really become actions in the all-round, all-people resistance war, leading the resistance war against the French colonialists to absolute victory.

During the period of building socialism in the North and the struggle for the liberation of the South (1954-1975), patriotic emulation movements continued to develop in all fields, sectors, genders, regions… Patriotic emulation movements have encouraged people of all strata to actively fight, work, and produce, making an important contribution to winning the two wars that harmed the North and special war strategy, local war strategy, the Vietnamization in the South, leading to the great victory in the spring of 1975, completely liberating the South, reunifying the country, opening a great new era of the nation’s history.

After the country was unified, the whole country moved to socialism, especially in more than 30 years of renovation, President Ho Chi Minh’s patriotic emulation thought was increasingly applied creatively and flexibly with specific content, practical, diverse forms in all fields, at all levels, branches, from central to local.

Lieutenant General, Armed Forces Hero Duong Cong Suu, Lang Son city shared: “The patriotic emulation movements after national reunification focused on grassroots and workers, closely associated with learning and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style, becoming an important driving force, really coming into life, arousing, motivating and attracting a large number of people from all walks of life. Through media, it can be seen that emulation movements launched by the Central Government such as “The whole country joins hands to build new rural areas”, “Vietnamese businesses integrate and develop”, “The whole country joins hands for the poor – no one left behind”, “Officials, civil servants and public employees emulate in office culture”, and many other patriotic emulation movements of all levels, branches, localities, such as “All people unite to build a cultural life”, “Paying tribute”, “Creative youth”, “Excellent and creative work”, “Both good at office work and housework”, “For the security of the Fatherland”, “Emulation to win” … have made an important contribution to socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee Doan Thu Ha awards the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to the units with excellent achievements in the emulation groups in 2022. Photo: Dang Thuy

After 75 years of answering the call of patriotic emulation of President Ho Chi Minh, from wartime to current peacetime, the Party Committee, government, army and people of ethnic groups in Lang Son province have made many achievements and contributions in the process of national liberation, national reunification, national construction and defense. Recognizing the achievements in the past 75 years, Lang Son province has been honored with many noble titles and awards by the Party and State.

Immersed in the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh, over the past 75 years, officials, party members and people of the province have made efforts and enthusiastically emulated on all fronts and in all fields. From the patriotic emulation movement, many typical examples have appeared, many units and individuals have successfully completed their tasks and been rewarded by levels and sectors. According to the data of the Department of Home Affairs, in the past 3 years alone, the province has recorded more than 110 units and individuals awarded certificates of merit by the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style. Other emulation movements had also been promoted and replicated in the fields of socio-economic development.

In the past 75 years, implementing the teachings of Uncle Ho “the more difficult it is, the more we emulate”, emulation – reward is a driving force for development, an important measure to build a person in the new era. Therefore, patriotic emulation needs to be carried out regularly and continuously every day, through promoting patriotic emulation movements and renewing emulation and commendation at all levels, branches and localities. Thereby, it creates synchronization in the organization and implementation of emulation so that i will really become a great driving force of the whole Party, the whole country in general, the Party Committee, the government and the people of Xu Lang in particular, contributing to the successful implementation of socio-economic development tasks in the spirit of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.